Badass Motherfucker profile picture

Badass Motherfucker

I would say to the children: Temper Your Nihilism!

About Me

"All the visions and consolations of my youth are dead! How did I ever bear it? How did I survive and overcome such wounds? How did my soul rise again from those graves? Yes, something invulnerable, unburiable is within me, something that rends rocks: it is called my will. It goes silently and unchanged through the years. It will go its course upon my feet, my old will ... You will always break out of every grave! ... Yes, for me you are still the demolisher of all graves: Hail to you my will!Only where there are graves are there resurrections."-- Friedrich Nietzsche

My Interests

I have no interests. I sold them all on ebay.

I'd like to meet:



That which makes me feel. Badass, cathartic, violent, holy, and clean are all welcome emotions.


You buying?


Throw away your television. I did.


Those that enrich and enlighten, and round out my "liberal arts" education.


Predatory animals. And Dolly Parton.

My Blog


Before their eyes in sudden view appear The secrets of the hoary deep, a dark Illimitable ocean without bound, Without dimension, where length, breadth, and heighth, And time and place are lost, whe...
Posted by Badass Motherfucker on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 05:36:00 PST

A Dialogue...

A Dialogue&   Me: "When was that line drawn?" Other Me: "I dunno, I wasn't paying attention." Me: "Was it there when we started?" Other Me: "And I quote, 'No, definitely not.'" Me: "But, why do t...
Posted by Badass Motherfucker on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 01:45:00 PST

And Every Holy Thing...

I was doing mouse dissections on Thursday, trying to track embryonic lethality in one of our mutant lines. As I was opening one of the females we sacrificed, I asked the post-doc in my lab what to loo...
Posted by Badass Motherfucker on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 09:09:00 PST

The End Of An Era.

My children, today I bring you tragic, heart-wrenching news. The Silver Cruncher, a.k.a. The Screw, a.k.a. The Montmartre Machine, a.k.a. Beatrice Kiddo, is dead. Betty Dew, as her friends called her...
Posted by Badass Motherfucker on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 08:47:00 PST

The Shores of California.

 1. I am listening to...Whatever is dripping with the dirty emotions (i.e. pain and sex). Blackholes and Revelations by Muse. Billie Holliday. Bill Withers. Dinah Washington. Bach. Murder City De...
Posted by Badass Motherfucker on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 06:55:00 PST

Sweet Smell the Pines.

Joyous for some, unfortunate for most; the fact remains that I am not dead yet. These past few weeks have been a whole lot all at once, and I am going to be unpacking wha...
Posted by Badass Motherfucker on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 06:05:00 PST


Sometimes I write fake blog entries; entries that I would never, will never, under any circumstances, post. I write them because, you know, sometimes it helps me to write for an audience: it keep...
Posted by Badass Motherfucker on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 06:45:00 PST

Room to Breathe.

When I was younger I 'worked' at the Renaissance Fair, and by 'worked' I mean ran around in circles screaming at the top of my lungs in a costume. Those costumes were pretty intense: long sh...
Posted by Badass Motherfucker on Tue, 23 May 2006 01:54:00 PST


I'm done...
Posted by Badass Motherfucker on Mon, 08 May 2006 04:03:00 PST

The Day She Died The Neighbors Came To Snicker.

YOU CAN ONLY TYPE ONE WORD, NO EXPLANATIONS.1. Yourself: Burgeoning2. Your Lover/s: Sufficient3. Your Hair: Conspicuous4. Your Mother: Impetuous5. Your Father: Catholic6. Your Favorite Item: Specify7....
Posted by Badass Motherfucker on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 02:41:00 PST