†Only A Vampire Will Love You 4ever† profile picture

†Only A Vampire Will Love You 4ever†

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About Me

Extended Network Banner made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!~ Stand My Ground~ About me---I am a friendly person. I rely on NO ONE. I love real people and I love being real. Honesty is a blessing and so is reality. We shouldnt get caught up in the nonsense of life or people. I can survive without the non nessesities of life. I'm very spiritual and respect life and nature and everything that was created here before us. I'm also very independant. You won't figure me out so easily (*c*,). I'm not the usual person you'd meet.,, oh man there is sooo much to say about me... I do alot for my community and i put my closest people in front of me... do something to me once and thats it, you are gone forever. I dont like that crap and I dont deal with it. I work at Ultimate karate USA, i do staffing/assistant instructing for the kids classes 6 days of the week and I am currently a Adv brown belt hopefully heading on my way to Semi black in like a month so please wish me luck!!! and enjoy doing the other tasks there. I love my dojo kids and love watching them grow and become sronger and better. I love being a role model to the girls there for I think young girls need to see strength not only from a guy. They need to see that they can be strong PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY. I also train there 4x a week with practice on the side. My fave things are forms and certain kicks. I am loyal to my Sensei and Instructor and Sonia, so if you do something to them, disrespect, or betray them, know i have their backs and do everything for them. I LOVE dragons and mythology which is the main theme of this beautiful page. I don't play around, you fuck with me i'll get you back badly. Those who don't like me can go to hell, those that know me, know me well. I'm not a person who follows people's expectations, or society's for that matter. I like the oddest, weirdest, shit that usual people dont. So I know you'll be scared of me once you really get to know me and you'll maybe leave if its too much for you and if you can't handle but you'll see that would be a big mistake... :c) there is alot to me so if you want to know anymore just ask. I love talking and also listening for you may never know what you might learn^^. I also just got hooked on FinalFantasy Online, ty instructor.. lol =^.^= my goal is to be a lvl 75 Mithra Dragoon. Life is hard and full of changes. We have to accept these changes and live on. We can't deny the changes tho as hard as that may be but we must embrace them and understand... Im getting into critical thinking, I enjoy my college and love my eng class for the teacher actually talks about reality *gasp* telling the truth and not denying reality is the only way we can pass on knowledge and infrom those around us, let us not be those tv news channels and certain newspaper, let us not censor knowledge for we are only hurting our future which doesnt look to good from our present anyways if we keep having these idiots, hooked on phonics presidents... um if you would like to discuss critical thinking, philosophy, sociology and so forth, please dont hesitate for i would love to learn more. Remember we never stop learning...LOL my dog funny blooper.. width="425" height="350"Layout made by OurLastSunrise Anime Contact Tables**Phantom of the Opera Spanish Style!**

My Interests

~Took it myself :D~My Martial Arts School of course, this is my home, they are my family check us out at www.ultimatekarateusa.com ~Writing- it soothes my mind ~Final Fantasy Online Oo pics to come soon ~Vampires- Yes Edward Ill marry you and please turn me ^^ ~Handball,bowling, I love going to arcades and the movies, havent been since school and stuff and money... ~Fishing ~Snow ~More to come~ Starstress Drg61/War34/Whm40/Sam12/Thf18/Blm20/Rdm10/Mnk8

I'd like to meet:

Stephanie Meyer!!! ;} img src="http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/6970/davidb3mt.th.jp g" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us not going to say people like me but Im going to say people who are real... and only follow themselves. People who are true and dont lie. I would like to meet people of foriegn backgrounds too. Im not picky I just want it to be real cause i dont act different when im around certain people or outside and i dont think you should eithr. If youre loud with annoyance and are too much keep going ^^ href=http://www.glitter-graphics.com title='Myspace Graphics' lt;a href="http://imageshack.us"
You scored as Dragoon. Your a dragoon. Dragoon jump, dragoons have pet dragons. Dragoons kill other dragon. You enjoy spears and stabbing people with the dreaded pentra thrust. At level 60, sub white mage and you can walk on your own. Your a real rare breed.



Summoner / Beastmaster






Dark Knight




Black Mage








Red Mage


White Mage



Final Fantasy 11 Job
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~~*The Rasmus*~~ In the Shadows=~The Rasmus :D~
Sting-Desert Rose @~~---~The Rasmus-Funeral Song~**Phantom of the Opera**~Vive la Bohime (something like that) RENT the Movie~~The Oxidising Angel - Blutengel~~Californication- Red Hot Chili Peppers~~Prayer-Disturbed~


~Queen of the Damned, The 25th Hour, Pans Ladybrinth, RENT, The Phantom of the Opera, Stephen King movies, more to come,... *sigh* ~RENT-Take Me Out Tonight/No Day Like Today~~Queen of the Damned- Redeemer~


~Degrassi, FUSE!!!, Discovery Channel, Namaste America, O.C.C, funny shows, Adult Swim, The Simpsons, La Fea Mas Bella, Lost,..., old Sci-Fi shows like the Twilight Zone, Tales From The Cript, (thanks Ma)


~Absolute Boyfriend~Twilight, New Moon!!!, Demon in my view, Everything by Amanda Ashley, mainly vampire books lol, Romance Novels, I read alot and its mostly Fiction, poetry, etc.


I don't HAVE HEROS. I don't really belive in them, but I DO have people I look up to. Those are people who I love. Such as my grandmother,(Te quiero siempre, y yo quieres que tu estas bien siempre) and so forth.

My Blog

Eclipse-Stephanie Meyer~

Eclipse~Stephanie Meyer1. UltimatumBella,I don't know why you're making Charlie carry notes to Billy like we're in second grade  if I wanted to talk to you I would answer theYou made the choice here,...
Posted by †Only A Vampire Will Love You 4ever† on Tue, 08 May 2007 02:24:00 PST

Video of dojo (some old stuff some new)

It got a bit of everyone i n it, and wow christophe looks mad different with his hair like that ...
Posted by †Only A Vampire Will Love You 4ever† on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 11:11:00 PST

scary thing that keeps occuring.

for those of you spiritual,dark, etc please help me out. I fall asleep(nap or sleep)on a desk/chair/etc and i open my eyes and cannot move. i see whatever is ahead of me but cannot talk or anyth...
Posted by †Only A Vampire Will Love You 4ever† on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:45:00 PST

My nieces Birthday is today!!! She is !!

My niece Catalina is now 2 years old!!!! these past 2 yrs watching her grow has been one of the best life experiences ever. It is always amazing how small we once were and how quick we grow. She speak...
Posted by †Only A Vampire Will Love You 4ever† on Thu, 11 May 2006 12:24:00 PST

There is nothing real

There is anger but no shoutingThere is happiness but no smilesThere is sadness but no tears.There is talking but no wordsThere is conversation but no truthThere are people but no soundThere are lesson...
Posted by †Only A Vampire Will Love You 4ever† on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 10:46:00 PST


    A mistake should only be made once and forgiven, twice is forgiven but not forgotten and a lecture, three times is punishment and unforgiven.    Be grateful with what...
Posted by †Only A Vampire Will Love You 4ever† on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 10:37:00 PST

confused and a bit sad.

Hey, just been thinking about alot of things, mostly about my life. I feel so stuck sometimes and confused. I love my mom and I love my newly found dad but my mom is angry that i see him. She thinks ...
Posted by †Only A Vampire Will Love You 4ever† on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 08:53:00 PST

Just some thoughts on Love

Love is a feeling that you have only for a very few for love is not something you should give out like candy.Love should not only be expressed by saying "I love you", it should also be shown through a...
Posted by †Only A Vampire Will Love You 4ever† on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 08:06:00 PST

Ah, heheheh life is good,... heheh, those who want to know what this means send me a message

Ah to breathe, to be able to take a deep breath. Ah to live, to know that you are complete, Ah to love, to know that you are finally loving, Ah to feel, to know that you are loved back, Ah to release,...
Posted by †Only A Vampire Will Love You 4ever† on Fri, 07 Oct 2005 09:23:00 PST


I fear the day of ever leaving,   I pray for the day that you'll really see me,Until then I will remain the same,Though it drives me insane,Every time I see you, which is everyday,...
Posted by †Only A Vampire Will Love You 4ever† on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST