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I am here for Friends

About Me

Well, let's see. I was born and raised in Orange County, California. I lived in New York City (Brooklyn) for a year and hesitantly returned home. I moved out there to try something new and loved every last minute of it. Unfortunately, college tuition costs on the East Coast are ridiculously expensive (especially in the city), leaving me with no other option but to move back home to California to continue my education. I am interested in beginning a career in PR for the Entertainment Industry. So, if you know of any job opportunities, please let me know. :)

I enjoy traveling to new places which is always an adventure that typically brings about new experiences and life lessons. I have passions for Entertainment (film/media/tv/music), NYC history, reading fun novels, meeting new people with interesting stories, writing, writing, and more writing.

My Interests

Entertainment, writing, jazz history, music, astrology, interior decorating, the smell of laundry, family time, the theatre, loyalty, york peppermint patties, US Weekly, new people, scruffy-faced guys, the Christmas season, new environments, exploring new cities, New York City history (more specifically 1900-1920's), fine arts courses, bookstores on snowy/rainy days, chopped salad from The Cheesecake factory, summer dresses, anything Victoria Secret, honesty, being social, weekend adventures in LA, singing in my car, my cats & dog, reading, talking about random things with funny and interesting people, helping others, cleaning/organizing and attempting salsa dancing.

Woman in Palace - Morocco 1951, by Irving Penn.

I'd like to meet:

People who have been around a little, making the most of their lives. Fun, good-hearted and sincere individuals with good morals and a sense of humor!

Rachel's F.r.i.e.n.d.s.

































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Sara Bareilles and I (it was a really bad picture) two years ago, when she was almost famous.

Love love love Stevie Wonder, Maroon 5, and Sara Bareilles. Lily Allen, Billie Holiday ,Franz Ferdinand, John Legend, Coldplay, Kate Nash, Justice, Love Actually and What Women Want Soundtracks, Daft Punk, Amy Winehouse, The Lashes, John Mayer, The Gypsy Kings, George Michael, Louis Armstrong, She Wants Revenge, Sade, The Killers, Janet Jackson, Arctic Monkeys, Michael Jackson, Nelly Furtado, Frank Sinatra, Lisa Stansfield, Black Eyed Peas, Pink Martini, Jay-Z, Carole King, Pharrell Williams & The Neptunes, The Rapture, Gnarls Barkley, Lisa Loeb, Kanye West, Marvin Gaye, Al Green, Gwen Stefani, Old-school Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston, Jewel, The Beatles, Ciara, Sarah Mclachlan, Jet, Alicia Keys, Modest Mouse, Madonna, Ella Fitzgerald, Young Lloyd, Dean Martin, Beyonce, Norah Jones, Lauryn Hill, Justin/Christina & Britney... yeah yeah yeah, I know. Top forty in general. Oldies in general and the occasional Classic Rock.


Amelie, Happenstance, Love Actually, Juno, Interview, My Big fat Greek Wedding, Vertigo, When Harry Met Sally, The Spanish Apartment, Meet the Parents, Big, Kissing Jessica Stein, Office Space, My Best Friend's Wedding, Closer, Little Miss Sunshine, All about my Mother, and The Odd Couple.


Friends, Dirt, Entourage, Arrested Development, Sex and the City, The Soup, The Wonder Years, PR Girls, The Sopranos, What Not To Wear, Trading Spaces, and any other home design program. I also have a sickness for watching The Hills.


The Devil Wears Prada is my favorite book. It's absolutely hilarious! Trading Up, The Nanny Diaries, My Father's Daughter, Bergdorf Blondes, To Kill a Mockingbird, Four Blondes, Confessions of a Video Vixen, Ten Little Indians, Lucia Lucia, A Streetcar Named Desire, Auntie Mame, Cannery Row, The Da Vinci Code, and My Horizontal Life. Current reads: Only Yesterday (an informal history of the 1920's), Irish Americans, Lipstick Jungle, Angels and Demons, Jazz Age Stories, The Good Sex Bible, Freeing the Writer Within, The Dirty Girl's Social Club, The Eggnog Chronicles, Secrets of the Code, The Girl's Guide to Hunting and Fishing, Longitudes and Attitudes, A Complete History of the Mafia, and the Art of Undressing (it was a gift).


My Grandmother (the greatest lady in the entire world), and my Grandfather, R.I.P (my foundation).

My Blog

My VJ-Day

Narrative essay based on a historical photograph, taking on the personality as one of the characters in the photo. I chose Alfred Eisenstaedt’s, "VJ-Day" and took on the role as the nurse....
Posted by Rachel on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 05:31:00 PST

The Trials and Tribulations of Females Dating in Their Twenties

This was another English paper. ...My teacher enjoys my randomness. Enjoy!   Side note: This is meant for satirical purposes, only!   The Trials and Tribulations of Females Dating in Their T...
Posted by Rachel on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 12:34:00 PST

One crazy night in Hollywood.

Every few months I seem to go through a "phase," where I get sick of entirely everything in my life and feel the need to be refreshed. Making a trip to LA always provides the perfect remedy for my ill...
Posted by Rachel on Sun, 11 Sep 2005 02:04:00 PST

Nissan Live Set last month.

So, as most know, I was able to attend the Maroon 5 Nissan Live Set on Yahoo, last month. ...I know you all think that’s really super cool, but I happen to think it’s fabulous. ...
Posted by Rachel on Tue, 22 May 2007 11:58:00 PST

The Restaurant. (A preview).

The following is a preview Coming sometime, in 2007. The Restaurant Being the new girl at work isn't always easy. When you get a new job, it's almost like you're starting your life completely ove...
Posted by Rachel on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 12:10:00 PST

My first Opera and a

Having lived in southern California the majority of my life, I've never really sat back and thought about how fortunate we are to have a place like LA at our fingertips.  People move ...
Posted by Rachel on Sat, 17 Dec 2005 01:41:00 PST

San Diego's Gas Lamp District

Living in Orange County is a lot like living in Manhattan, in a sense.  While there is a lot going on around you, you also have the option of visiting other great areas in your nearby s...
Posted by Rachel on Wed, 05 Oct 2005 11:42:00 PST

Rachel and Melis' night of adventure.

The following was taken place in the city of Encinitas, California over a one night period (over 6 months ago). The people, the location, and the drama are real... Rachel and Melis' night of adventure...
Posted by Rachel on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 11:12:00 PST

Not just any "Same old Saturday Night."

Another weekend full of late night escapades took place this past Saturday, in the Costa Mesa area.  I wasn't planning on going out for the third weekend in a row (it's so unlike me, but I'll att...
Posted by Rachel on Tue, 27 Sep 2005 01:49:00 PST

Round two at The Standard

Since I had such a great night in LA during my last visit, I decided that it would be equally as fun to go again, the following weekend. I was a tad bit wrong. It's not that I didn't enjoy myself, be...
Posted by Rachel on Mon, 19 Sep 2005 12:43:00 PST