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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I just recently moved back to Brooklyn in an attempt to collect a few creative ideas for my profound DREAM(screenplay). I love going to the corner bodega's, purchasing an alcoholic beverage and wandering the streets of NYC. I'm an easy going guy, who likes to have fun and meet new people.. I enjoy traveling the globe and experiencing all walks of life. I love things that captivate the senses.(Music, Paintings, Movies, intoxicating drinks, Diverse Women,Space,Dreams, Nature) I like people who,"keep it real". The main turn off for me when meeting new people are Fakes,Biatches,Wannabees and Materialistic F--ks. I guess Brad Pitt said it best in Fight Club."Your not the contents of your wallet. Your not your F--king khakis". Baddddddddd!! For the past 9 years, i've been living out of my bags. I've been living my life as a vagabond, a nomad if you wish. From SoCal to Italy, South Carolina to Iceland, Pennsylvania to Ireland, UMass to Cyprus. We continue around the world! I've played professional basketball in Europe for a few years now. I took the year off from playing basketbal because i had to change my representation. So hopefully next year i'll be at it again. This year hasn't been a wasteful one though. My mind has wandered to my new passion, writing. I've been trying to put my imagination into a notebook. I've been working on a screenplay for a little while now. (At the moment, i've completed about 100 typed pages.) I would never call myself a writer though. My imagination is vivid and i have a Dream. The screenplay is about the bittersweet of an individuals life, who perceives a different shade of the world. Once my screenplay is complete, i'm gonna venture back out to the Los Angeles area to market the play. "The Dream", consists of myself and a bottle of vino, in a vacant movie theater. Perceiving my vision on the big screen. Because, what's the sense of living if you don't dream. You can't live if you don't dream!
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My Interests

Diving in lakes in search of the loch ness monster, Getting loose, An intriguing fragrance on a woman, chillin with Carlo Rossi and freinds, Engaging in games of animal tag, Getting intoxicated and running through forrests chasing bigfoot, listening to music, relaxing on the beach, watching japanese cartoons, working out, hangin out with ghosts in the middle of the night in abandoned houses, attending high school keggers, riding on random elementary school buses in the mornings so i can hang out with the kids, looking at pictures of my x-girlfirends on sunday nights while listening to barry manilow and indulging in red wine, Yearning for Kenny Gee's new album, Eating sushi(philly roll), watching movies, WORKING ON "THE DREAM"

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I'd like to meet:

Family and friends that have passed on to the next world!God, Jesus, marlon brando, ursula andress, al pacino, val kilmer, jack nicholson, johnny depp, Abe Lincoln, john lennon, van gogh, Rembrandt, judy garland, jimmy hendrix, Martin Luther King...

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Moby,Smashing pumpkins,Duran Duran,chicane,Paul Oakenfold,Tears for Fears,chilled out Ibiza,Sasha, gus gus, depeche mode, miles davis,Mazzy Star,Daft Punk, john lennon,massive attack, 80's, Bob Marley,Jazz,hendrix, david bowie,STP, pink floyd, Blues,Disco,Bjork, marvin gaye, coldplay,Underworld,red hot chilly, bush,led zepplin, john frusciante,the doors,portishead,Wu-tang, REM, garbage, elliot smith, nirvana, the smiths, lenny kravitz, notorious big,radiohead, chemical brothers, al green, pearl jam, weezer, fatboy slim, john coltrane, pet shop boys, Broken Bliss, faithless,the cure,supreme love gods,the verve, james, pixies,obscure movie soundtracks, house of pain, U2, coldplay,Joy Division...


Vanilla Sky, Great Expectations, Swingers, what's eating gilbert grape, Dr. No, good will hunting,blow,Pan's Labyrinth, the saint, one flew over the cuckoo's nest, Lost in translation, serpico, Natural Born Killers,Dark City, good fella's,City of angels, the wedding singer,Mean Streets, From Hell, Message in a bottle,taxi driver,Trainspotting, the old man and the sea, bonnie and clyde, dog day afternoon, the salton sea, american beauty, a street car named desire, donnie darko, chinatown, basketball diaries, ed wood, romeo and juliet, the shining, halloween, the deer hunter, sleepy hollow, ,the shawshank redemption, the beach, cool hand luke, psycho, edward scissorhands, Godfather 1,2, pulp fiction, the silence of the lambs, easy rider, rocky, donnie brasco, braveheart, the crow, interview with a vampire, scent of a woman,the count of monte cristo.. width="425" height="350" ....


Lost,howard stern, chappel show "E", twilight zone marathons,In living color reruns, saturday night live reruns,James Bond marathons...


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Howard Getting Loose!...
Posted by steven on Fri, 05 May 2006 04:42:00 PST