Tara profile picture



About Me

FIND ME ON MIXI!!! MY MIXI NAME IS TARA!!!! ********************************I am a Canadian girl living in Osaka, Japan. I lived here previously for six years but returned to Vancouver and Calgary, Canada for three years. Now I am back in Japan and loving it. I love Japanese hip-hop, R & B, and rap. My favorite artist include Doberman Inc., The 9 Far East, 4WD, Zeebra and L&J. If you don't know these artist, you should really check them out. They are amazing!!!I have a beautiful little girl who is half-Japanese. She started elementary school last April, and she loves it!!!My best friend is Shoko. She is Japanese, but only on the outside!!! We love going to the clubs in Osaka. Clubs like Pure, SAM 2, AZURE, Joule and especially Osaka Safari @ Grand Cafe!!!!And we love MC's!!!!!!!!! And I'm not talking McD's!!! Although we love that too!!!If you come to Osaka, let me know!!!

Stuff for your blog!

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Sparkling lady

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Sparkling lady

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I am looking to meet Japanese friends who are living anywhere in Japan. I want to meet anyone who is interested in the hiphop scene here in Japan, especailly Osaka!!!


I love R&B and hiphop. I enjoy the hiphop scene in Osaka, and have many friends who are Japanese rappers and hiphop DJ..s.


The Tale of Genji, by Murasaki Shikibu. Ever read it?

My Blog

My First Blog!!

OK...this is my first blog!!! Right now, I am sitting at home trying to recover from Noro Virus. In english it is called Norwalk or something like that. It will be Christmas Eve after only 3 sleeps he...
Posted by Tara on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 07:49:00 PST