Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
World history and other scholarly pursuits(not all of them),rap, women, music in general(eshod ibn wyza), bunnin spliff, literature(mostly classics), warfare and the history thereof, observation and analasis of people(how and why do we act the way we act), my family, food(especially Indian and Italian) but best of all listening to some raw hip hop while bunnin a spliff with two hotties who also happen to be history majors, discussing warfare over the centuries and it's relation to the present day paradigm, and then getting a call from my pops telling me to meet up with the clan at his place for some channa lasagna and a couple bottles of wolf blas ......or something along those lines
My evil twin, the sikh ninja from Oregon, real thuggis, history nerds, other Mck alumni... width="425" height="350" ..
Fuck yeah!!
Anything I can get my hands on that can catch and hold my interest. READ SUKKAZ!!!
Every one aware and taking steps to understand themselves and to assist others in doing the same.