We are not the same, I am a martian. profile picture

We are not the same, I am a martian.


About Me

Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts Once again I find the need to rewrite this. It's been something I have been meaning to do for a while and just haven't gotten around to doing it.I am the type of person you have to take at face value. Sometimes little sarcasms come rolling out of my moulth that would mean nothing to someone else, and mean the world to me. If I say something, more than likely I mean it. I can hold a grudge for a long time. I get hurt very easily. I sometimes don't realize the effect I have on other people until it's too late. I have given up on looking for a relationship. I am not good at them, too many feelings get hurt, there is some sort of mess in there some how, and frankly, I have had my share for the moment.The last thing anyone should try to do is change me. I am who I am and all efforts are futile. I have in the past tried to temporaraly bend to suit the needs of other people, but it always ends poorly. If you don't like who I am or what I stand for, you should probably stop reading.If I decide to call someone my friend it means that I am there for them. Most will never notice until they can think of no one else to help them. That's where I shine, which is a paradox because I can never seem to help myself.If you are the type of person that can't deal with things served hot and fresh with a side of gully you should probably not bother talking to me. If you ask me something I am going to tell you exactly how I feel about it. If that makes me mean, or nasty, or cold hearted... it is what it is. I can bite my tounge for only so long.I can't really think of anything else to say..
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Steve
Date of Birth: 2/4/83
Birthplace: Tuppelo, Mississippi
Current Location: Home.
Eye Color: Greyish blue, but they change color.
Hair Color: Blonde.
Height: 6'
Heritage: Guinea.
Piercings: I have a few, but there is nothing in them.
Tattoos: A few of them.
Band/Singer: Right now it's Jimi Hendrix.
Song: Currently, Voodoo Child, but of all thime it has to me Imaging-John Lennon.
Movie: Life is beautiful, but True Romance and Pulp Fiction are a close second.
Disney Movie: Pirates, or Lady and the Tramp.
TV show: Family guy.
Color: Yellow, followed closely by blue.
Food: Oysters.
Pizza topping: Plain. Pizza should be served plain, thin, and crispy. Come to Ferraro's and we'll show ya.
Ice-Cream Flavor: Ben & Jerry's Crem Brulee
Drink (alcoholic): Grey Goose vodka, one ice cube.
Soda: Coke, in the glass bottles.
Store: Barnes & Noble, or maybe Wegman's lol.
Clothing Brand: Nautica, call me a preppy if you want, but I think I can pull it off lol.
Shoe Brand: Adidas, but I am liking ES too.
Season: Spring.
Month: May.
Holiday/Festival: 4/20.
Flower: Orchids.
Make-Up Item: LOL, I don't get into that lol.
Board game: Scrabble.
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Sunny.
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla.
Fruit or veggie: Artichokes, stuffed artichokes to be exact.
Night or day: Afternoon.
Sour or sweet: Sour.
Love or money: Can't I have both?
Phone or in person: I perfer in person, but it seems like I am living my life thrugh cell phones now a days lol.
Looks or personality: Personality. I have always said that, ask my sister.
Coffee or tea: Tea.
Hot or cold: Depends on the occasion really.
Goal for this year: To be happy.
Most missed memory: Grandpa.
Best physical feature: Either my eyes or teeth.
First thought waking up: "Fuck, What time is it?!"
Hypothetical personality disorder: According to my Psyc major sister, Bipolar.
Preferred type of plastic surgery: Liposuction.
Sesame street alter ego: Cookie Monster.
Fairytale alter ego: Big Bad Wolf.
Most stupid remark: "I'm not retarded, my reflexes are just slow."
Worst crime: Let's not go there....
Greatest ambition: Being content in all aspects of my life.
Greatest fear: Feet.
Darkest secret: Now why in the hell would I put that here?
Favorite subject: English.
Strangest received gift: Batman mask. (Thanks Callie)
Worst habit: Pick one.
Do You:
Smoke: Like a chimney.
Drink: Not my bag baby.
Curse: Like a sailor.
Shower daily: More often than that.
Like thunderstorms: Love 'em.
Dance in the rain: I have been known to do it from time to time.
Sing: Sometimes the spirit can move me.
Play an instrument: Nah.
Get along with your parents: LOL
Wish on stars: Way more often than I should, wishes rarely happen.
Believe in fate: Yes.
Believe in love at first sight: It happens.
Can You:
Drive: Like a motha fucka.
Sew: Nope.
Cook: I have been known to throw a few things in a pan from time to time.
Speak another language: I speak little bits of alot of languages.
Dance: Gangsta's don't dance, we just pull up our pants and do the rock-a-way. Lean back, lean back. lol.
Sing: Not at all.
Touch your nose with your tongue: Almost.
Whistle: Yep.
Curl your tongue: Yep.
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Yep.
Been Stoned/High: Yep.
Eaten Sushi: Yep.
Been in Love: Yep.
Skipped school: Yep.
Made prank calls: Yep.
Sent someone a love letter: Yep.
Stolen something: Yep.
Cried yourself to sleep: Yep.
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? When people are repetitive and obloxious.
Are you right or left handed? Righty, but kinda both.
What is your bedtime? I have no idea.
Name three things you can't live without: Food, Water, Sunshine.
What is the color of your room? For some odd reason, I can't remember right now.
Do you have any siblings? The Monkey!!
Do you have any pets? A pit Bull, A yorkie, 2 cats, 2 birds, and I think there is a fish somewhere in the house too.
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? I am not answering that.
What is you middle name? Anthony.
What are you nicknames? Steph, Steffy, Steve-o, Douche Bag, Aaa-oosh, Natty Bumpo, Femur, Slim, Ousticcaio, Pishta, and probably more lol.
Are you for or against gay marriage? For, all people have the right to happiness.
What are your thoughts ..ion? I am pro choice, but I think that both parties should have a say in the choice made.
Do you have a crush on anyone? Yeppers. :-)
Are you afraid of the dark? I usually am the proverbial thing that goes bump in the dark...
How do you want to die? For something I love.
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? Ya got me, like, 20?
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? I would take a bullet for all the people I love.
What is the last law you’ve broken? About 5 minuites ago lol.
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Usually I like dark, or red hair, but that is far from concrete.
Eye color: Open.
Height Doesn't matter.
Weight Not too big, not too small, but juuust right.
Most important physical feature: As dumb as it sounds... The first thing I look at in a woman are her teeth and her hair.
Biggest turn-off Funky breath, fucked up teeth, and rat nest hair.
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My Interests

Driving to nowhere in particular. Reading books (wow what a concept!) meeting new people and making them smile. And working like a hatian with a coke habit.
You Should Drive a Lamborghini
A true daredevil, you're always in search of a new rush. Clearly, you're a total speed demon... just don't get caught! What Sports Car Should You Drive?

I'd like to meet:

People who want to have fun. I just realized that I am 24 years old and I feel like I'm fuckin 50. I am not looking to be serious, career minded, and a work-a-holic. I have alot of catching up to do and I plan on doing it. MySpace Profile Photo Editor


My taste in music is much like myself: a thing in a constant state of flux with nothing ever staying the same.


I get to watch a movie about once a week, which is pretty much the limit of my sitting still to watch anything (books are different). My score on The Classic Leading Man Test :
Clark Gable
(You scored 40% Tough, 4% Roguish, 23% Friendly, and 33% Charming!)
You're a helluva guy, a real split personality and a bit of an enigma. On the one hand, you're a man's man, tough talking and ready for anything. But on the other hand, you soften your rough and tumble core with a disarmingly smooth exterior, and you make the ladies swoon. You're equally admired by both men and women alike, drinking other men under the table all the while charming the socks off half a dozen lovelies. You're a commanding presence, and you know how to get what - and who - you want when you want it. You're drawn to women who, like you, are savvy enough to deal with the world on their own terms. You work well with spitfires. Leading ladies include Joan Crawford, Myrna Loy, and Jean Harlow. No damsels in distress for you.Find out what kind of classic dame you'd make by taking the Classic Dames Test.
Link: The Classic Leading Man Test ( OkCupid Free Online Dating ) My score on The Alcohol Knowledge Test :
Bacardi 151
(Congratulations! You're 137 proof, with specific scores in beer (80) , wine (116), and liquor (104).)
All right. No more messing around. Your knowledge of alcohol is so high that you have drinking and getting plastered down to a science. Sure, you could get wasted drinking beer, but who needs all those trips to the bathroom? You head straight for the bar and pick up that which is most efficient.
Link: The Alcohol Knowledge Test ( OkCupid Free Online Dating )


.. My result for Do you swear a lot? is You are the god of expletives.
You are the god of expletives. Your vocabulary seems like a dictionary for expletives. Stop for your own good and please don’t swear at us for creating this *@#!@# quiz.
Do you swear a lot? created by QuizCat.Com - Quizzes, Surveys, Tests, Trivias


I love books. I think they are a great way to open your imagination to what would normaly be impossible, broaden your horizons, and actuly use your brain. I am open to any recomendations on any subject matter, so drop a line.


Any person who can exchange love for hate, include the excluded, and say "I was wrong". I know that doesn't seem like much for someone to fit into the category of hero, but sit there and think about how many people you know that can and do all those things. Trust me, the list won't be long, unless of course you happen to be Ghandi. Layout by: Myspace Layouts Creator

My Blog

Steve V6.0

It's been a long time since I've had the time, need, or inclination to write here. Alot of things have been happening in a fairly short time.  Some of the things have been good, some have been ba...
Posted by We are not the same, I am a martian. on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 11:38:00 PST


So this is me blogging again, lol.  I have been thinking alot about the past year lately.  Alot of things have happened to/for/because of me. I don't mean that to sound selfish, you reading ...
Posted by We are not the same, I am a martian. on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 12:43:00 PST

Too Funny

My score on The What Kind Of Felony Are You? Test: **************************************     Robbery    (You scored 43 Violence, 62 Greed,  and 37 Sneakiness!) "You...
Posted by We are not the same, I am a martian. on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 10:20:00 PST

Not too bad.

So, as another day opens, I find myself sitting at work hating my job as always. The holiday season is upon us.  I still have to get alot of gifts. I think I am developing an ulcer because I...
Posted by We are not the same, I am a martian. on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 05:44:00 PST

What is the meanning of it anyhow?(angry rant)

I have been sitting here at work wondering about this all day.  Even last night it kept me awake. What is the meaning of a friend? I have come to the conclusion that it means different things to ...
Posted by We are not the same, I am a martian. on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 08:14:00 PST

It's been a while...

I have been neglecting my blog.  I know, I'm bad. Such is life. Alot has happened in the past few months. Maybe too much.  I had a girlfriend for a little while, that didn't work out.  ...
Posted by We are not the same, I am a martian. on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 06:16:00 PST

Road trips. Getting deported. My weekend.

This past weekend was a shit show. I slept almost not at all. Why did I have no sleep? I went to a birthday party on Friday night and didn't  get home until 4:30am, woke up Saturda...
Posted by We are not the same, I am a martian. on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 07:31:00 PST

If you don't got it, what do you have?

I was walking around shoprite tonight, getting lunch for tomarrow and a few other things when it hit me: what do I have? I have possessions nd what not, but what does that matter? What good is it to ...
Posted by We are not the same, I am a martian. on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 07:33:00 PST

The Sad Story of Other Cat

A few years ago while I was walking out to my car thrugh the garage I heard the most miserable meaow.  I thought there was a hurt cat somewhere in my garage so I started looking all over the...
Posted by We are not the same, I am a martian. on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 06:00:00 PST


I am sitting here at work, not really anything to do but wait.I have a notice for court sitting in my back pocket, my lawyer says I don't have court today, but to call at 9am just to make sure.  ...
Posted by We are not the same, I am a martian. on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 05:35:00 PST