Mili G. profile picture

Mili G.

Mili: the freshmaker

About Me

I'm a dork. My name is Emilia, but my friends call me Mili for short and Vanili because I love all things vanilla. I say random things, I'm loyal to my friends, I can't sleep with socks on, I'm extremely spontaneous, I get bored easily, I practice random acts of toasting, I'm a hopeless romantic. Any questions? For all inquiries please see my agent the Rain Maker.

My Interests

A Few Things I Like.....
Music the Soundtrack to My Life, My Family, My Friends, Not Taking Myself Seriously, Not Taking You Seriously, Traveling, Concerts, Photography, Astronomy not Astrology, Being Sweet, Lions, Ninjas, and Bears Oh My! Cake-its delish, College & Pro Football, Doing the Robot, The Drums, Exotic Cars, Sail Boats, Food, Having a Dirty Mouth, Having a Dirty Mind, Guys-Naturally, Dancing, The X-Games, Cheese, Science, Nikes, Ketchup, Puppies, Alcohol and Lots of It, The Family Guy, Kickass Movies, Lilies, Being a Dork, Good Times, Regulating 24/7, Using my Brain 365, Love and all its Glory, and the Motherfuckin' F Word.

I'd like to meet:

People that like me so I can shake their Hand
People that hate me so I can tell them to Fuck Off


All Rock (except soft shit), Real Hip Hop, Dark Drum-n-Bass, Hard House, Trance, Reggae, and Classical.


Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Drama, and all those put together is awesome. My favorite comedy of all time-Dumb and Dumber, that should tell you everything about me.


My Father, People who don't crack under pressure, and Myself-I have my reasons.

My Blog


INTELLIGENCE 101. So I'm writing this because the other day me and one of my guy friends got into a discussion about what it takes to be a smart human being and what is knowledge really? Well this is ...
Posted by mili vanili on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 05:26:00 PST