Animation, other visual arts, cars, mechanical devices, martial arts, inventions of the future, finding peace and a simple yet complex awareness of the world around us.
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Maynard- A perfect circle/ tool. Bjork, metal stuff, Sepultura, In Flames, Irish/Scottish drinking songs, Reggae, some punk, some hip hop.
I really just enjoy the movie going experience,even if the movie is bad. I also enjoy anime, (Now and Then, Here and There; Eureka 7), Action/ MA like Legend of the Red Dragon, and Fists of Fury. Sci-fi such as...all sci-fi. Pretty much anything that isn't horrible, and a few things that are.
I try not to because most of it is not good. The tv I do watch usually includes cartoons, most of the cartoon characters don't take themselves so seriously. Most of the time I just criticize actors in shows because they do, so I avoid watching.
Still working on "On the Shoulders of Giants", some comics, but otherwise don't read too often. I actually read the William Shatner (and partners) book about a non-linear, non continuous version of star trek...yeah, I know...what can I say, I like sci-fi.
Superman. Any one with special powers, like my brother, my ma, some others, and my SiGong, (Yip Ching).