Hardcore Music, Simpsons, History, Rex Hunt, Concerts, Age of Empires, Johnny Cash, Internet, Thermopylae, Monte Cristo, Les Miserables, Aeneis, Space Above and Beyond.. I don't have humour ;)
Amaze me.
100 Demons, Sworn Vengeance, Madball, Slapshot, Subzero, Arkangel, Deviate, No Turning Back, Born from Pain, old Discipline, Tech 9, Troopers, Johnny Cash, Tony Bennett, Dean Martin
Ocean's Eleven, The Thing, LOTR, Jason and The Argonauts, The Patriot, Everything with Adam Sandler or by Happy Madison Productions.
How about the simpsons? i love them. The weakest link, funny too. Did i mention the simpsons? i just like dumb sit coms. you name it, i love it. Same goes for the Discovery Channel I love almots all their programs. I just dont like the animal shows. Shows on Discovery I like: Scrapheap, Rex Hunt, Engineering the Impossible, Wreck Detectives, History's Turning Points.
The Aeneid, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Sherlock Holmes stories, The Hot Gates, Guns Germs and Steel, Historical Novels in general
King Leonidas, Edward Dantes, Jean Valjean, Mr Google, Homer Simpson, Choke