Bieke profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I like playing cards with old people, i like to eat cookies while im playing cards. Oh, and, i like to go outside and watch cows, they are truely intresting, i have the weird habbit to run over animals, not on purpose tho. Also, I like to swear at random people...

My Interests

Music, whatever's in in our out, as long as it sounds good its all ok.My family, my friends.Crazy ppl, ppl who are even more crazy then me (hard to find those, actually).Sandwiches with prepare and ajuin.MousMous, my hero, dont mess with him.Ninja's, no pirates please ok thank you.My huge pillows, hot baths, bubbles, zwitzal, cocos.Mister whiskers and ratje, sidekicks of MousMous.

I'd like to meet:

Batman, santa, my rich neighboors and their pool, ppl who are older than me and smaller, cuz i want to laugh at them. (but not midgets, never diss midgets, they can get nasty and all).


Whatever's in our out. Too much to mention.


Pulp Fiction, Hooligans, Return To Paradise, The Cube 1, 2 and 3, Resevoir Dogs, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Trainspotting, Memento, Changing Lanes, Ace Ventura, Behind Enemy Lines, and basicly everything that has something to do with horror, blood and ppl dying :p


Sopranos 3, Band Of Brothers, Lost, Friends, Prison Break, Simpsons, Futurama, South Park. National geographic is nice too.


Aspe (en dan!), De Chirurg, 'Seriemoordenaars' & 'Moordkoppels', Ik Zal Leven, véél te veel om op te noemen.



My Blog

Call Of Duty

i'm addicted :(
Posted by Bieke on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


morgen morgen morgen morgen! hoop dat de regen een beetje minder is. :)
Posted by Bieke on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST