I love the art of the deal!
Check it out !
I own three companies. BY THE BEACH PROPERTIES LLC is my first . We are a real estate investment firm specializing in commercial, raw land, & residential. We also specialize in HARD MONEY LENDING for Residential and Commercial Development.
Our second company is Department of Redevelopment LLC, We have collaberated with other investment teams, attorneys, contractors and archeitechts to revitalize run down neighborhoods. Our vision is to restore life to these communities through our vision of modern living in classic architechture! Stay informed at WWW.DORHOMES.COM
Our newest project is WWW.BTBTRIPS.COM. So far it has been a great success. When you travel give us a shot! If you what to MAKE SOME $$$MONEY$$$ go to the site and click the LEARN MORE link at the bottom of the page.If you have any questions or would like to know more about starting a internet business or possible funding for a project contact me at: 843-839-5620.
We are currently have offices in Myrtle Beach, SC, Detroit, Michigan and Atlanta, Ga. Thanks to RARE FORM CREW for all their hospitality and support. I send out many thanks to the SOUL CREW and INKHAUS PRODUCTIONS for making it a great year!
For those of you that need some out of this world media for your website or print design contact my boy at: www.inkhaus.com
Here's to the M.B.S.C. crew and all that have expeirenced the buzz.
..Bring the Funk!..
The Soul Crew Parties are the best memories for a night on the town in 2007!