Brown Eyes profile picture

Brown Eyes

Life's to short not to play hard!!

About Me

photo hosting

My Interests

I love to dance and listen to music,especially live music, love anything outdoors(biking, hiking, volleyball, swimming, etc except no camping, sorry I need a bed to sleep in at nite) Love taking pictures( I carry a camera with me all the time! I exercise 4-5-6 times a week.Spending time with the wonderful, fabulous, wild and wacky group of people that are my friends and meeting new people.


I'd like to meet:

Andy Garcia, Edward Norton, Andrea Boccelli, Harry Connick Jr. Oh, and the individual that invented those evil exercises my personal trainer subjects me to. Individuals that enjoy drama free lives.On a serious note.... Mother Theresa, Princess Diana, and Jesus but I am hoping not to run into them for another 50 years or so...
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes


Could not imagine my life without it!! Types change with the type of mood I am in. I listen to a little bit of everything except hard core rap and hard rock. Love to hear live local music. Currently following Modern Day Romeos, Dot Dot Dot, The Oxymorons, HiInfidilty, and banda rika. I have become a groupie!! I love dance music, DJ-KJ is one of the best DJ's in chi-town right now!!



Any good horror movie- The exorcist still gives me chills, Good mob movies i.e The Godfather trilogy, Goodfellas, Movies that tell a story - The story of us, The passion of Christ, American History X, and many many more-


I'm too busy to watch TV, but when I have some time I watch "24", House, Food & Travel channels.


Anything by Stephen King, Anne Rice when she wrote horror, health & fitness books, non fiction material.


My sister, she is my rock. My best friend, Nadine- she keeps me in my right mind. My close family and friends, they know why...

cute myspace layout

My Blog

just need some sleep man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its 3 am on early early friday.....arrrrggghhh!!!!     Ok going on a week with minimal sleep= dont know which is worse not sleeping for 6 days   or  having a emotional breakdo...
Posted by Brown Eyes on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 01:17:00 PST

Pics by Patrish/Ricky Martin concert 2007

..> ..> .. ..>..>...
Posted by Brown Eyes on Wed, 23 May 2007 03:50:00 PST

Pics by Patrish BNL concert 2006

..> .. ..>...
Posted by Brown Eyes on Tue, 08 May 2007 08:34:00 PST

Pics by Patrish

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Posted by Brown Eyes on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 11:58:00 PST

MDR-Schaumburg Septemberfest

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Posted by Brown Eyes on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 06:08:00 PST