Autumn is thinking of a new display name profile picture

Autumn is thinking of a new display name

I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Autumn but a few people call me diz.
More than likely i will freak if u call me that so dont try it!!
its a love triangle plus one thing.
ur not cool enough to get it
im not usually a very nice person and idc
im brutally honest and i dont care if i hurt you
chances are..u wont like me.
ask me if i care..i dare you
: D
i dont live my life normally...
if we're friends chances are we will do crazy things
theres never a dull moment when im with my friends
i have amazing friends...
hands down, they are better than you and your friends
garrett and i want to protest KFC.
i go to shows && work at the ones in springville
dont ask me to get you in free...
i wont do it i respect the center to much for that
im not going to be apart of your scene....i am me
one day i wear hollister and the next a band t shirt...
you'll never catch me wearing fur.
u might be thinking but u have fur on ur coat
that would be FAUX fur my dears.
try it out.
im not very friendly with people, my passion is animals
im going to go to college next year to be a vet tech
you probably dont know what that means
im a vegetarian.
im passionate about it although i just became one.
as you're reading this you're probably like
I am me, not you. Its my life, not yours...
i do what i want
dont judge me. ever.
so soak it up...
wanna add me??
go for it
: D
Layout made by KOol Aid

My Interests

animals[im gunna be a vet when i grow up]
listening to music
driving with friends and having nowhere to go
family candy
being beastly with jess
acting like an ass and laughing about it
so much more

drama[save it for some1 who cares]
kenny living in florida
being out of school
racists. i may joke about it but i am NOT racist
people who abuse their significant others
people who hurt animals
my ex boyfriend; NICK POPEILA
so much more

I'd like to meet:

Ive already met the only people i need to know. mkay?? thanks.
Aren't Vegetarian?
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Porcelain and the tramps, atreyu, trapt, as i lay dying, three days grace, papa roach, it dies today, afi,adema, avril lavigne, hellogoodbye, blessthefall,the birthday massacre, brand new, dashboard confessional, eminem, 50 cent, lil kim, evanesence, flyleaf, fort minor,hollywood undead, ICP, killwhitneydead, marilyn manson, meg and dia, no doubt, the offspring, paramore, parkway drive,the red jumpsuit apparatus, scary kids scaring kids, hinder,horror pops,justin timberlake,sublime,thoughts lost,tom petty && SO MUCH MORE.


Kenny, Although we live a few thousand miles away i still love you. I try my hardest to make it work and somedays i dont think i can do it...then i talk to you and you promise things will be better soon. I hope your right.You mean so much to me. i love you baby.
Doug is my best friend hands down. He came in when the rest of the world was walking out. I was losing everything and everyone because i was in such a bad place in my life but he showed me that it doesnt have to be that way. He moved but he's still my best friend. Yessum
Gosh what can i say about her. She is the funniest person i have ever met in my entire 17 years of exsisting. When im with her there is never a dull moment. I love her with all of my heart. I never thought i'd have somebody as great as her in my life. Im thankful i have her. I dont know where i would be without her.
Damn. We're had so many arguements and gone through such stupid shit but the good memories definitey out weigh the bad. Finding a friendship like ours is like nailing jello to a tree; fucking impossible.
BEST FRIENDS SINCE DIAPERS!She has always been in my life, I started life with her as my friend...and i plan on it being that way till we're old and gray. We start together and finish together. I love shiz so much. besties fo life.
we spin, twirl, dance and meep. Thats fucking awesome. He is probably the nicest kid ive ever met. Fuck with him ill kill you.
lindz is my show buddy. She makes shows so much fun, even when creepy kids are following us. haha. Shes a great girl and she deserves only the best.
I fucking love nikki, she takes care of me when and cant stand on my own two feet. If i ever need her shes a phone call away. She is so supportive and i can always expect an honest opinion.Shes such a fucking doll.
dan and i have an odd friendship, sometimes we giggle and tickle eachother and laugh nonstop but other times we dont talk for weeks. it makes me sad but i always get over it. Dan is a cool guy.
MATTTTT. haha. He's the one that makes me smile when i want to fucking bash skulls. He just listens to me without trying to lecture me or tell me how to live my life, i know i try to help him. Sometimes...i dont know if it works but ya know what?? We are ALWAYS there for eachother
This is my baby sister.We along with douglasfuck know that you dont have to be blood to be family. Ive known this girl literally forever. I love her with all my heart. She truly means the world to me.
rest in peace;
dawn[our momma is an angel. rip dawn!!]
We all miss you so much, the day you left ur hearts broke into a million pieces never to be put together again. As the days go by people would think we forgot....but we remember everything. We'll never forget you. RIP babe
My baby girl. My nigger fucking dogs killed her.

My Blog

hush lullaby

Its truely odd how someone can drive you absolutely insane yet the moment your away from them you long to see them, you cry when you arent around them and how it breaks your heart when they fall and ...
Posted by Autumn is thinking of a new display name on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 09:25:00 PST

i guess i found out who my real friends are....

it makes me fucking sick since ive been here theres only been a few fucking people to continuously talk to seems like the longer that i stay here the more people fucking forget me.are you kiddin...
Posted by Autumn is thinking of a new display name on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 01:32:00 PST


For the past few months that Kenny has been gone there hasn't been a night I haven't cried myself to sleep. I keep to myself&.and cry softly so my parents don't think I'm going crazy but I think I am....
Posted by Autumn is thinking of a new display name on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 12:01:00 PST

family values with two meanings.

This blog is both&good and bad     Ive been out in Springville for the past 8 days because my mom accused me of stealing over $100 from my dad, doing crack and coke and cutting and basical...
Posted by Autumn is thinking of a new display name on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 11:05:00 PST

The pain of seperation

Im so sick of everything. Im so sick of just being here. I don't want to live here anymore&.i hate this house&I hate this life. Everything seems so&lifeless. Nobody in my family gets along. I just bab...
Posted by Autumn is thinking of a new display name on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 09:06:00 PST


                            So I've decided im giving up my love for animals...I'm no longer going to go to school to be a veteri...
Posted by Autumn is thinking of a new display name on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 09:19:00 PST

tag you're it

hmmm tag. so it seems lately ive been getting tagged metaphorically speaking that is. its like somebody is making a joke out of my saying haha your it and then watching me go through all t...
Posted by Autumn is thinking of a new display name on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 05:09:00 PST

Stay up till Four In The Morning & the tears are pouring

well the day i've been dreading....occured.kenny went to florida. im so fucking upset about it. im going fucking crazyyyy. well not really but it feels like i am. i miss him so much already. he left ...
Posted by Autumn is thinking of a new display name on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 06:15:00 PST

wow this is it. i cant believe it

wow kids. this is it. we're officially grown ups. friday is graduation and im terrified but at the same time releaved if that makes sense.i was supposed to get a dress for graduation today......and w...
Posted by Autumn is thinking of a new display name on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 12:45:00 PST

this is goodbye i suppose.

  Graduation. rough subject....lets just say im terrified. i dont want this to be over....i love everyone so much. i dont want them to leave...i dont want to lose touch...i dont want us to for...
Posted by Autumn is thinking of a new display name on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 08:11:00 PST