THE BEST DRINK RECIPE OF ALL TIME Vodka Slushies9 cups water 2 cups sugar 2 cups vodka 4 tea bags with strings 12 oz. can lemonade 12 oz. can orange juice (no pulp)**In a large pot, bring to a boil the water and sugar. **Pour into a large freezer safe bowl. **Place teabags in water on opposite sides of bowl so they lay in north, east, south, and west positions with the strings hanging out. **Let set until the tea color runs and meets in the middle then remove. **Add orange juice, lemonade, and vodka then stir together. **Freeze for at least 1 week.**Serve** with an ice cream scoop or large spoon, scoop out into glass then pour in 7-up until you get a good slushie consistency. I am an official memeber of the IHOP club and proud of it.
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