About Me
I'm good. I'm good. uh...Born and raised in Northeast Ohio, Graduated with only having to repeat Kindergarten, Didn't get drunk till my 20th or 21st birthday, i don't like mellon of any type, my first celebrity sighting was Tiny Tim at a rib burnoff, first concert was They Might Be Giants, am convinced that my death will be caused by falling, kind of a jerk and kind of a nice guy, thunderstorms and tornados are my idea of a nice day, can't blame one person for all ther wrongs in the world because it's your fault too, one sister and two brothers, cats are better than dogs but i like dogs, turn into a five year old whenever i see a huge full moon or a rainbow, I want superpowers, tried acid a couple of times years ago, lost my virginity in a hotel room to a girl who was literally terrified that somehow her father would find us and come busting in, didn't like beer at all until a trip to Europe(now that's bier!), Went to Detroit for the party after the Wings won the Stanley Cup in late 90's, Was at the actual match up between the Undertaker and Mick Foley when he got thrown off the steel cage(same side, too), got a damaged tooth as a kid and instead of the root dying it started to grow uncontrollably leading me to a DOUBLE root canal six years later, have almost no sense of smell, love to draw profile views of imaginary people, once got stuck in the support structure of a wooden rocking chair, favorite name for a girl- Molly or any element, readheads- love em, ferrets are awful pets and people shouldn't own them. Everyone should know how to swim, do their own laundry, drive, order a pizza, read a map, behave in restaurants, ride a bike, throw a ball, say "hello" in at least three languages, use a shovel and hammer, sew a little, cook a bit, laugh at themselves, what a perogi is, rub a back, whistle, use chopsticks, how to hold animals and children, basic math and geography, read a comic book, LOVE music, plunge a toilet, change a light bulb, pump gas, mow the lawn, vacuum the floor, say what they mean and mean what they say. I also think everyone should get a passport and use it. I think fart jokes are funny every time, I like Southpark, Simpsons and the Family Guy, I fell off a waterfall, I sold everything I owned and went to Europe, freaked my little brother out one time because I was laughing while I was asleep(I still remember the dream), My first celebrity crush was either Madeline Kahn or Olivia Newton John, I would wear white linen shirts and blue jeans every day if I could(shoeless if possible. If not then some kick butt all terrain shoes), used to collect comics but now they are all gone, quit football because the new season of GI Joe had started, would love to spearhead technologies in the areas of teleportation, space travel, and condoms that you can't feel, don't believe time travel in a physical form will ever be possible, Jesus was just some well adjusted dude with a message of hope and an education, have the worst memory of anybody I know(so I tend to forget kindnesses but also any slights), not good at arguing politics, religion, or sports. I am amazed at the quality of the few good friends I have, I can punch a steel beam with my right hand but a pillow would hurt my left, I wear 13EEE shoes, i detest the suffering of innocense, often side with the underdog even if I don't like them, prefer to sit on the floor than furniture, haven't had television in years, Twisted Metal 3 is the best game ever made, had the Universe figured out into a mathamatical equation but promptly forgot it, would worship the Wind if I had to choose an element, I am positive i was a bear in a past life, as well as a feline, and a Catholic Scribe back in the dark ages, don't use the word "hate" when I don't truly mean it(which I can't think of any right now), wish I could fly more than anything, immortality seems like it would be a curse, and I'm sure I could go on forever...
Would You Survey
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Would you eat a bug? Wrapped in bacon I..'d eat my own finger.
Would you bungee jump? Yes. YESSSS! Throw me out of a helicopter over the Grand Canyon with nothing but a elastic cord around my ankles. Somebody please!
Would you hang glide? yes. I hope that..'s how I die. An alternate awesome death would be strapped to the head of a missile that..'s racing towards a Nazi encampment. Noyce.
Would you kill someone? If my neighbor..'s dog once more tells me to.
Would you kiss someone of the same sex? Only if he smeared peanut butter on his lips. Or if I had an open sore.
Would you parachute from a plane? Old hat. I..'m so awesome. Actually one of the most painful expierences of my life. Make sure that groin harness is up in there, kids.
Would you walk on hot coals? No. That seems like something an idiot would do.
Would you be a vegitarian? I would eat a vegitarian. Does that count?
Would you instant message a stranger? Only if it would tramatize them. Or seriously cock block them.
Would you sing karaoke? Sure. First time was in a lesbian bar in Cincinnati. Dueted .."Your the One That I Want.." from .."Grease.." with some other dude.
Would you run a red light? Seems like a silly job to be running a red light all day, but if it pays well I..'d try it.
Would you shoplift? Not again. I don..'t have the nerve for it.
Would you dye your hair blue? Like the old Superman comics? Hell, yeah!
Would you be on survivor Only if it turned all .."Lord of the Flies.." and I got to kill the fat kid with the glasses. Wait...I..'m the fat kid with the glasses. Nope. I wouldn..'t do it.
Would you wear make-up in public? If I was the prettiest in the room.
Would you not wear make-up in public? Yes, but only because I hate animal testing...and I..'m usually the prettiest in the room.
Would you cheat on a test? I feel like I didn..'t get the entire .."test experience.." if I don..'t.
Would you make someone cry? Yes. Because sometimes it..'s the righteous thing to do. And it can be funny, too.
Would you date someone more than 10 years older than you? If she can cook and doesn..'t have any kids living at home and doesn..'t cry after sex(during is fine).
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