Making big things into smaller, more numerous things. Making it darker and hotter. Going downhill. Taking books off the shelf and putting them on the floor.
Myself, only smarter, better looking, funnier and better adjusted. Then I'd like to punch him for being all those things.
Lots of electronica, rock, jazz, punk and pop. My classic favorites are: The Police when I'm sentimental, Sugar when I'm nostalgic for college, The Pixies when I'm angry, Radiohead when I'm working, MBM when I'm excited.
Fight Club, The Godfather I & II but never III, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Naked Lunch, A Clockwork Orange, The Princess Bride
The Prisoner, Lost, Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica
Snow Crash and Diamond Age, The Dune series, anything by Asimov and almost anything by Clark, Gravity's Rainbow. A new favorite is Altered Carbon.
This has changed over time. When I was younger, Einstein. Bill Hicks. Now Stephen Colbert.