collecting musical instruments/pedals.
Spun, The Waterboy, The lord of the rings triolgy, Troy, Happy Gilmore, Saw, Mission Impossible I, Vinilla Sky, The Last Samurai, Billy Madison, The Kid, Pirates of the Carribean, Star Wars series, Anger Management, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday, Next Friday, Friday after Next, Anchorman (the legend of Ron Burgandy), Big Daddy, Punch Drunk Love, The Little Rascales, Big Green, Shallow Hal, Tenacious D in the pick of destiny, Tenacious D, Orange County, Mars Attacks!, Walk the Line, Edward Sissorhands, Lucky Number slevin, Meet the Parents, Kill Bill, Kill Bill 2, Bowling For Columbine, Crash, Saving Private Ryan, V for Vendetta, Forest Gump, Jumanji, Dawn of the Dead, Shawn of the Dead, Taxi, The Warriors, Top Gun, Zoolander, Dodgeball, Truman Show, Dumb and Dumber,Man on the moon, Bruce Almighty, The Sixth Sence, Fight Club
The Saprano's, DeadWood, Saturday Night Live, SouthPark, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, SeaLab, Sienfield, Myth Busters
slaughterhouse 5