Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts
I'm praying for you
MySpace Layouts
Myspace Layouts
Taylor Hicks, Sting, Rhen, Elliot Yamin, Maroon 5, Boz Scaggs, Rick Astley, Josh Groban, Santana, Coldplay, Stevie Nicks, Boyz II Men, Motown, Jazz, Blues, Enya, Sarah McLachlan, Bobby Darin, Black Eyed Peas, World, Steve Miller Band, Kelly Clarkson, Usher, David Cassidy (yes, "I think I love you"! :) shh! mums the word), Taylor Dane, Dave Matthews Band, David Gray, Aretha Franklin, Gwen Stefani, Chaka Khan, Oldies, John Mayer, Chris Issak etc etc......
Love Actually, Indianna Jones, Narnia!, Notebook, Lord of the Rings, Bridget Jones, Phantom of the Opera, anything with Shirley Maclaine, The Importance of Being Ernest, love Colin Firth, Shindlers List (powerful, terrible)
Moonlight, Miss Guided, QVC (yes, sad I know and it's my new best friend =P) Conan Late Night, Ellen, Lost, Grays Anatomy, Scrubs, Desperate Housewives, Heroes, American Idol, Lisa Williams
Dorothy Parker, Anais Nin, Deaf like Me, The Prophet, Ya Ya Sisterhood, Stephan King Dark Tower Series, Bodice Rippers, Lily Dale, New Age Stuff (sadly, this is now out of print)..the Da Vinci Code, Elizabeth Peters--all
Mom and Aunt Anne.....Indianna Jones