KDF/Steve and Stacey profile picture

KDF/Steve and Stacey

disney club in stores now. well kinda.

About Me

Hi, Promos here. Yes, I know what you're thinking. "Promos is the speaker for Stagcorpe! What is he doing on this alien company's website?" Well folks, I'm here to answer all your questions and more! NOTE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE: THE CARTOGRAPHER DOES NOT BELONG TO KDF OR STEVE AND STACIE. HE IS MERELY SPOKEN OF A LOT IN THE STORY BECAUSE HIS STORY IS INTERTWINED WITH BOTH OF THE PEOPLE I REPRESENT AND TO UNDERSTAND THEM, YOU MUST UNDERSTAND HIM. Thank You. To begin with anything, you have to begin with Steve and Stacie. The idea for working together started on the bus together from Camp Cheerio on October 20, 2004. Although at the time it was called the Disney Club, six days later, NO BISCUIT was recorded, the name was changed to Steve and Stacie, and history began. Although debuting to generally bad reviews and even to this day earning only 2.5 stars out of 5 from the official Stagcorpe rating system, NO BISCUIT started a revoloution, and its signature track, "Finding Nemo", has been called by even the cd's heaviest critics as "awesome". NO BISCUIT was the precursor the THE CARTOGRAPHER, which broke similar ground in the video department. Steve and Stacie made hasty plans for a second album, and between November 17, 2004 and January 10, 2005, recorded their second effort, THE COLLABORATION. Response to THE COLLABORATION was so instantaneously negative that all plans were for an official release were officially scrapped. Deemed the worst project in the Western Hemisphere by Steve and Stacie themselves, it seemed that THE COLLABORATION was doomed to suffer a life of nonexistense. More on that later. So disgusted were they by THE COLLABORATION's failure that Steve and Stacie turned their attention to the budding video scene started by THE CARTOGRAPHER and now enjoying immense popularity. This is where the contreversy now surrounding Steve and Stacie began. Their first of their videos, THE PEOPLE WERE HAPPY was a documentary on the Cartographer, the sucess of his video, and how it was affecting his life. It claimed that his work inspired violence and that in the end, the Cartographer killed himself. Whether or not it inspired violence is up for debate, but the Cartographer did not commit suicide. He intended to prove it right away, but many people turned against him after THE PEOPLE WERE HAPPY, and it affected his work. His next two attempts, THE MORPHEUS CARTOGRAPHER PT. 2, and THE WARHAMMER CARTOGRAPHER PT. 2, were both scrapped midway through completion and he retreated to the underground. Meanwhile, after a strong start, THE PEOPLE WERE HAPPY suffered a large fall from popularity and now is only considered 1.5 stars out of 5 in the Stagcorpe rating system. Its makers even treated it with neglect, allowing clips to become lost or renamed and it had a patchy appearence when viewed months later. Today, January 6th, however, is its official re-release. All clips have been restored and everyone has the right to view the contreversial movie maker file. After the Cartographer's move underground, Steve and Stacie made their next contreversial move. Using the Cartographer's name and actors resembling him, they made their own installment in the Cartographer series, inexplicably titled THE CARTOGRAPHER PT. III. What is odd is that there were no Cartographer Pt. II's yet to speak of. Whatever the case, the project was eventually scrapped. Once all of the early Cartographers are compared to each other, it is generally agreed that this was the second best of the bunch, only to the original CARTOGRAPHER PT. I, itself. Steve and Stacie, having effectively slammed the Cartographer into the underground, recieved terrible reviews for their latest audio collection, and not satisfied themselves with their two videos, went on an indefinite hiatus. Their story is to be continued later. So far in our story, the month is January, and both the Cartographer and Steve and Stacie are gone, biding their time until their next moves. In fact, it will be 2 and a half more months before we hear from either of them again. In the meantime, STAGCORPE had been turned into an official, working company and was churning out videos such as ANGER AD, and THE HELLISH LIFE OF AARON KELLY. People had completley forgotten about the Cartographer, nd this was what he wanted. He now had time to make new material while under little pressure from outsiders. In early March, he began work on his new project, and the offical follow-up to THE CARTOGRAPHER PT. I, aptly titled THE CARTOGRAPHER PT. II. The Cartographer, however, had overestimated his ability to create a buzz. No one even heard about the Cartographer Pt. II and had no idea whatsoever that it was being made. He chose a fledgling company upon which to launch his new film. This company was called The Kelly Driscoll Foundation. It seems odd, nowadays, that this was his choice because now The Kelly Driscoll Foundation only produces films that are joint projects of both members in departments of both writing and acting. THE CARTOGRAPHER PT. II was to be written by and acted by only the Cartographer. The only refrences to The Kelly Driscoll Foundation appearing in the movie were a picture of Bill Driscoll listed under the Cartographer's friends, and the name of the company in the intro screen. Even with the help of a company, THE CARTOGRAPHER PT. II failed to create the instant sensation that The Cartographer had invisioned. Many dismissed it as another sad attempt like THE WARHAMMER CARTOGRAPHER, many still did not know it was out, and some enjoyed it while they were watching it, but did not know that they were witnessing a comeback of historic proportions. It did indeed debut to positive reviews (a solid 4 stars out of 5), but even today, it does not have the groundbreaking sensationalism of THE CARTOGRAPHER PT. I (4.5 stars out of 5) nor is it considered as good. It was in the business world of all places where it left its biggest impact. The release of a successful film under a different, small corporation, sent shockwaves through the Stagcorpe administration. A threat to its power, even a minor one was difficult to comprehend. Stagcorpe had two choices. Attempt to drive the new company out by force, or attempt to orchestrate a peaceful absorbation of the Kelly Driscoll Foundation into Stagcorpe's ranks. The decision was an easy one for three major reasons. One: An all out offensive would be seen as a big company attacking the little guy and this negative publicity was not needed. Two: Stagcorpe enjoyed the film immensely and hoped to get these guys on their side. Three: They hoped that if they bought the Kelly Driscoll foundation, the Cartographer would be finally working for a major company, and it would be them. They were successful on two counts. They did have a peaceful merge with the Kelly Driscoll Foundation where Stagcorpe was seen as a helpful company Also, the Kelly Dricoll Foundation does release films in relation to Stagcorpe productions, so Stagcorpe has ultimately benifited. On the third, they were disappointed. The moment the Cartographer heard of the merger, he got out as soon as possible. He did not want to be tied to a big company ever. It clashed with his sense of ethics, hurt his credibility, and stemmed the flow of creativity. One major obstacle barred his way: He was contractually obligated to The Kelly Driscoll Foundation for another year. It was possible to simply wait it out, or engage in a court battle, but The Cartographer did neither. He sold the rights to the film to the Kelly Driscoll Foundation so that now, it was officially their property and had no strings attached to him. With that, he said goodbye and disappeared once again into the murky waters of the underground. It is said that he has a new movie planned to be released on the anniversary of his historic comeback, but no one is sure. The Cartographer operates in secret. Only two things have changed about his life, although no longer visible to the public eye, his star is still shining bright and when he releases his movie, regardless of whether it gets good review or not, people will not repeat the mistake of dismissing it. It is at least assured excitement and plenty of viewers. Second, he will probably never trust a company again. He has enough popularity to release the films himself, and he will do this. We now leave him, as he has no more relations with the companies I represent. The Kelly Driscoll Foudation was not bought by Stagcorpe, the move was officially called a merge. It more resembled, however, a mother chicken bringing in the young chick under her wing. Stagcorpe controlled The Kelly Driscoll Foundation, but treated them with respect. Stagcorpe would commision them to help with projects and pick their brain for ideas, but they were given full creative control over whatever they did. Kelly and Driscoll were not used to being part of a large corporation, and spent the next third of a year soaking in ideas, learning the tricks to the trade, and planning their new moves. Their first appearence after moving to Stagcorpe was simply giving permission for Stagcorpe to use characters modeled after them in MARY JUWANA (4.5 stars out of 5) the unimaginably successful anti-drug documentary. In addition, to getting viewed by the usual viewers (we know who we are), it was exposed to a wider audience: All of the 8th grade life skills class; and it was recieved very favorably, winning best anti-drug film by general consensus. That however, has little to do with The Kelly Driscoll Foundation. They wrote a little bit for MARY JUWANA, but they were still getting used to the new style of moviemaking, and it was almost exclusively Stagcorpe doing the writing and filming. They also allowed Stagcorpe to attach their names to the credits list as actors to give the movie a more human feel instead of something devised by a corporation. For now, The Kelly Driscoll Foundation exit the story. Now neither KDF nor SS are in the story and remain so until late May. Late May will always be know as the month of YIELD (5 stars out of 5), without a doubt the greatest thing to ever grace the earth. However, it was also the revival of Steve and Stacie. Although it was only for a split second, footage from their CARTOGRAPHER PT. III was used in YIELD. This may not sound like much, but here you are underestimating YIELD'S popularity. So wildly successful was it, that Steve and Stacie now found themselves with an audience once again. This was the opportunity they had been waiting for and they were determined to capitalize on it. In June, they set about recording STATIC (2.5 stars out of 5), the long awaited follow up to NO BISCUIT, seeing as the COLLABORATION had still not been released. The new audio disc was a dramatic departure from the humor of old; more radio friendly and universally appealing than the rest. They finished half of the tracks during June and resolved to keep working. July was a relatively quiet month, without action from either party. August was as well. The Kelly Driscoll Foundation tried to make their official entrance into Stagcorpe's rotation with a collection-style movie in August, but they were still deemed too inexperienced and even they had to admit that the project, although not terrible, was not what they were capable of. It remains unfinished. Busy with school, September was nonexistent in the world and is the worst month ever in the 2005 review. October is when the two stories begin to meet and draw to a close. Now, with school under control and the official Stagcorpe vote of confidence behind them, The Kelly Driscoll Foundation decided it was time for them to make their official move. Stagcorpe commisioned them to make an extension to the wildly popular TOOTHHPICK SUPERIORITY (4.5 out of 5). KDF accepted, and on October 7, began the sub-collection WATER: ICE YOU CAN DRINK (3.5 out of 5). They chose the term sub-collection because it was not meant to be added into TOOTHPICK SUPERIORITY, but viewed seperately. It was however, roughly in line with the themes of the TOOTHPICK SUPERIRIORITY. In an ultra-prolific streak, they finished all the clips in one night. At the same time, Steve and Stacie decided that it was time to finish STATIC. To get higher quality, they rented a Stagcorpe recording studio to record the final half of their disc. It was the same one as the Kelly Driscoll Foundation were using, and on the same night. A loose bond was formed, and although Steve and Stacie remain independent, they now have a business deal with Stagcorpe who will help them with distribution and and allow them free use of all Stagcorpe recording equipment in exchange for a cut of the profits. STATIC was finished that night, as was WATER: ICE YOU CAN DRINK, but both Steve and Stacie and Kelly Driscoll Foundation decided to take thier time in carefully mixing and choosing cuts for their new projects. More on this later. And now you are wondering, "What happened to the Collaboration?. You said more on this later!" Well, that I did. Here is where it comes. The date was November 7th, 2005 and Steve and Stacie, seeking to ease their curiosity about its condition, conjure up some nostalgia, and promote their newer disc, decided it was time to release COLLABORATION at last. They didnt care what the critics said, they just wanted to get it out there. The new release proved groundbreaking once again in an odd way. It offcially started the trend of official releases with fancy packaging and promotions instead of just showing it as it was being made, to whoever wanted to see it. COLLABORATION was surprising in a lot of ways. Although not the most commercially successful (this honor belongs to STATIC), COLLABORATION was amazingly well recieved by Steve and Stacie fans and even Steve and Stacie themselves. This was partly because expectation were so low, that two stars would have been considered a sucess, but also simply because it was good! It got 3 Stars out of 5 and even laughs from an audience determined to hate it. It had its own CD case, two covers, and even a little packet. Faaaaaancy. Now, all releases, audio and video, would be released at strategic times, with good promotions and good visual appeal. Steve and Stacie were riding their biggest success wave ever and all contreversy was forgotten. Their unofficial partnership with Kelly Driscoll Foundation began later that month. Around Thanksgiving time, WATER: ICE YOU CAN DRINK, was four minutes long, and the clips, while perfectly good, needed some time-consuming editing. Bill Driscoll of KDF had an opportunity to do just that while on a 16 hour car ride to Florida. For 10 hours each way, he spend almost a day total editing WATER: ICE YOU CAN DRINK so that it now lasted 8 minutes, with new editing effects, all new clips, and some of the weaker original material replaced with better. As a favor to Steve and Stacie, he also assembled STATIC for them and put it on disc. When he got back, KDF officially submitted their first work to Stagcorpe. It was an instant sucess with the head of Stagcorpe who fell out of his chair laughing. The KDF had thought it was good, but not this good, and were plesantly surprised at the favorable reaction. Stagcorpe decided that the project was a sucess and decided to officially associate it with TOOTHPICK SUPERIORITY. WATER: ICE YOU CAN DRINK started a new idea: that of the subcollection. Two have now been modeled in its image: MATERIALISM FOR SPIRITUALITY, AND NA NA FUNNY. They are both being planned as an attachment to TOOTHPICK SUPERIORITY. Only one problem remains: the lack of credits in WATER: ICE YOU CAN DRINK. This is planned to be fixed soon, and once it is, WATER: ICE YOU CAN DRINK will become official. Steve and Stacie released STATIC on the same date (November 29). It was not as well recieved as WATER: ICE YOU CAN DRINK, and was actually deemed not very good by the head of Stagcorpe, but now is considered a perfectly decent 2.5 out of 5. Also, it enjoyed the most commercial sucess, as Steve and Stacie planned with more radio friendly material. If you asked the common man on the street what their favorite Steve and Stacie disc is, chances are good they would say STATIC. A month later, after resting on their laurels, Steve and Stacie decided that a GREATEST HITS VOLUME I, also known as BEZT RAUGH (Best Laugh in Russian) was assembled in the waning days of 2005. It hasn't been released yet, but Steve and Stacie think it will give fans a good chance to witness their evoloution and more imporantly, weed out weaker tracks such as "Bush Hairstyle", and allow fans to have access to a disc has strong material without the junk. However, pretty soon, GREATEST HITS VOLUME I will not be enough. Already, a new CD is planned to be recorded on January 6th and released "sometime in February". No matter when it is released, it will be after GREATEST HITS VOLUME I. It is to be called THE DISNEY CLUB and is considered Steve and Stacie's return to their roots. All that the KDF officially has slated for the future is finishing the credits of WATER: ICE YOU CAN DRINK, and officially releasing it. You can be fairly sure, though, that they will do something when a good opportunity presents itself. Whatever the case, these two groups of innovators will never stop. You know the saying: "The Aaron Vibe never stops orbiting". Well, I'm off to the YMCA! Catch ya'll later! -Promos