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Don't mess with me, I'm 80 pounds of serious...

About Me

....This thing says about me, so I don't know how much you want to hear, most likely this will never be read. I was born in california, and have lived hear all my life. Never really changed atmosphere ever, when I was 2 my family moved to laguna hills from Irvine, and then when I was 13 we moved about 2.5 miles to aliso viejo. I've never changed schools, except for when progressing to a new grade. I was an only child for 5 years, and then my parents had two twin boys and I became something I still to this day have trouble understanding; a brother. I have to say that I don't remember much of my childhood, for it mostly comes back in foggy spirts where I mainly remember the large events, milestones, and everything else is just blured together. A thing that comes up most when I try to remember things of my childhood, the only steady memory throughout the years, is the friends I had. Growing up in our house in laguna hills, I never found a male friend, for there were no boys my age or no boys at all for that matter in my entire complex. Sure I did sports and made friends that way as well as my school friends, but at that age you need the luxury of location to accompany such friendship that I wanted. So I made do with what I had, I made friends with the girls in my neighborhood. And over time, one in particular became one of the greatest friendships I will ever have. It was when I was about 9 that I met Alison. She was 2 years older than me, but that didn't seem to stop us at all, ever. She was the total opposit of me; I was shy, quite, and a little chubby where she was active, athletic, creative, and tall. I have to say, looking back I notice a lot of her quallities in me now, that just goes to show you that sometimes the goodness in people can rub off on you over time. I owe her a lot, she taught me everything I need to know at the time. She taught me how to play video games, ride a bike (on the handle-bars and without a helmet), how to swim, how to make believe, how to have an adventure, how to make my own path when there was none to be found, and how to break the rules and disobey my mom. Not to mention how she helped guide me throughout the schools we attended together, as we carpooled when we were young and later rode our bikes to school together in middle school. It was because of her, my first (and closest) real friend, that I was able to take the first few steps to the path that has led me to where I am today, and for that I owe her everything. It is also because of her, as well as the fact that the rest of my friends were girls, that I need to have a close relationship with a girl. For Alison has grown up and left, she is off living her life now, trying to make it in this strange world of ours. And her absense leaves a space hard to fill. It is not so much a space as it is a security, for she was just my best friend. When we moved to our new house in aliso viejo, Alison and my friendship begain to slowly lesson as both distance and age separated us. But my life had other changes as well. Our new house was ginormous, way bigger than our last home, an actual home (because we lived in a small town home prior to this) and with an actual front and back yard. Also I was just finishing up middle school, making the transition from child to teenager, which for me was very overwhelming. Also I remeber this being one of the first times I was presented with the question of what I wanted to be when I grew up. At the time I had absolutely no idea. It was true that in my 8th grade year I had tried out many different electives and hobbies. I tried skateboarding, it was the thing to do at the time the way for us kids to get around ( I had always perfered a bicycle, and still do). Let's just say my scateboarding days didn't last very long. Besides the fact that I sucked at basically every aspect of skateboarding (I had terrible balance, tall and uncorrdinated) also my skateboard was stolen from my garrage. I also tried many sports, and by many I mean 2 at the time: basketball and baseball. Let's just say niether one looked promissing at the time. I also gave art a shot....to be continued
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My Interests

I like to watch movies, total movie buff. Play basketball whenever I can. Hanging out with friends is important, I like to have a good time. School sux.....girls are fun....... where are my pants?


Anything that isn’t country I can handle. Can’t go wrong with rock.


Movies are my life.


TV is cool too


life is short. books are long.

My Blog


Okay peoples, here we go. Are you read?How about now?Good. Tell me three movies you personally think are the BEST or are MUST-SEEs before you die.Simple right? .....okay, ready....go...
Posted by HOOPS on Sat, 19 May 2007 12:48:00 PST

Oh man...

  what would u do for me??? put and x in the () if its something you'd do for me =) ( ) would you make a move and make out with me? ( ) will you make the first move? ( ) go out wit...
Posted by HOOPS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

X markes the spot

Body: W0ULD Y0U... [Put an 'X' in all that apply] [] go out with me? [] give me your number? [] kiss me? [] let me kiss you? [] watch a movie with me? [] take me out to dinner? [] d...
Posted by HOOPS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST