Archery, Acrobatics, Ambidextrous, Art, Computers, Cooking, Darts, Design, Electronicness, Euroboys, Film, FOODies, Form and Function, Graphics, Guys, Hypermobility Syndrome (look it up, fun!), Photography, Pina Coladas, Riflery, Technology, Web 2.01, White Silk Scarves mmmmmmhhh
* Other highly creative and fun types.
* If you use drop shadows and bevels inappropriately or comic sans in general (bleh, I just threw up a little there) on your page or your page looks like this guy's , THEN don't talk to me, you are sooo 1998, and not even the good kind, lol.
At least wait for the chorus!
* Basic Instinct - hot & sexy
* Death Becomes Her - hi-lar-rious
* The Fifth Element - fun
* Jurassic Park - dinos, RAWR
* The Little Mermaid - tear :-(
* Kill Bill Vol. 1 - Go Go da nei?
* Mean Girls - it's SO fetch!
* A Nightmare on Elm Street - & #4
* Pulp Fiction - 1...2...3!
* Star Wars - the PREquels, bitch
* Titanic - i would've dropped it in the ocean too, jewelry is the devil!
* Snakes on a Train - not really
* The Notebook - it made me cry lots o tears, my life story you know
* The Apprentice - you're FIRED!
* Jem and the Holograms - showtime synergy!
* LOST - it's like crack, seriously
* Sex and the City - teabagging?
* The Simpsons - movie next year!
* South Park - it's like christmas-- TIMES A THOUSAND
* Will & Grace - oucha ma gowcha
* The X-Files - before mulder left
I read stuff on the internets and the occasional best sellar. Currently reading: "The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins