World of Warcraft, Dungeons and Dragons, Vampire the Masquerade, Computers.
Well I think first off, would be Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley from KISS. Next on my list would be ummmm *loses train of thought*
Classic Rock, KISS in particular, 80's music, a little of everything.
Vampire Flicks. Need I say more.
Family Guy, and ummm *mind temporary goes offline*
Most sci-fi books.
I don't have many heroes. Some may think its lame, but I have 2 heroes in particular. The first one is my dad and the second one is my baby sister. My father taught me a lot of things in particular respect, humility and doing what needs to be done to be responsible. There are times in which growing up, I didn't care to be, nor wanted to be anything like my parents, but being away from the family it shows that what they have instilled in me growing up is present in my life. My baby Sister Meghann. Being born on Friday, the 13th of Feb, People who are supersticious would believe it to be an omen of some sort. She was born and had to be airlifted to UC Sacramento. Was born with Pierre-Robin Syndrome and had, if I can remember correctly, cleft palatte. As she got away from this setback, found out she had juvenile rhumetoid(Spelling?) Arthritis in her knee and elbow. As you can imagine with normal arthritis, some days can be very painful to get started. But she has prevailed and is away from home for the first time, attending a junior college in Northern California.