@ddict3d 2 FrEsH, 6 p@iRz A nEw KiCkS mY 12sTePz profile picture

@ddict3d 2 FrEsH, 6 p@iRz A nEw KiCkS mY 12sTePz

**&%**Nobody holds meclose like Miklos!!!**&%** a href=http://www.myhotcomments.com/g

About Me

found this retro layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotCommentsJayden is my life. Mike is the man but Jayden's my main man. Fashion+Flava+Dopeness+LotsaFreshness=Sandra Pharrell is my future baby daddy. This bitch loves her some Lupe Fiasco. Boys that wear dunks and ride bords are soo fuckin sexy. I hate men that wear flip flops, not fuckin sexy. Big gold earrings, big gold chains, and big gold braceletts, ahhh love. My son is mackin jordans everyday. The Art Institute is not a fuckin trade school, it is a real college damnit! Do not bother me when i paint I will scar your face up. Family is everythin, thats y i had to borrow my baby dad's fam (love ya'll!). Orphans are the shit. CSF ruins lives (lol 2 all those that know). I love palm trees, so tacky that is fresh. Cell phones and myspace are the root of all evil. Me+Rum+Goose+LoudMusic+TightPants=a Good muthafuckin time. My ass is lovely. Yes, my eyes are really blue. Airbrushed nails are dope. Everybody loves a Cuban and Irish girl. I miss chicken nuggets and chocolate milk. Rims are for losers unless you are just that flyy. Grills make you look like an asshole. I hate myspace gangsters. I love bein from Philly but I can't wait to leave. I miss my mommy, she is my angel. My son's eyelashes are soo sexy and he get it from his mama. I am accepting all scraps of fabric and acrylic paints that have no home. Bedazzlers are the shit. Lipgloss and mascara are the truth. Love is real and alive. South philly is home, northeast sucks. Mike is so much sexier than Ramone. I hate nature. Clear liquor over dark all day.

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I'd like to meet:

Graphics & Layouts colspan=2...::About Me::...
Full Name: Sandra, the rest is none ya damn buisness
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: dark brown
Height: 5'6"
Shoe Size: 7 1/2
Ring Size: I don't fuckin know! Who knows that??
Heritage: Cuban and Irish
Graduating Year: 2002 high school, 2008 (hopefully) college
Birthdate: 5-12-1984
Zodiac Sign: Tarus
Concert: Haha, New Kids on the Block - oh yes, imma 80's baby!
Best Friend: Keisha Duncan
Crush: ummm, i was in love with Genuine in like 7th grade, i mean completely obsessed
Pet: i had a wild ass cat named tigger
Sport: i played a lot of wall ball, lol
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: hell naw
Bungee Jumped: nope, not crazy
Gone out of the Country: not yet - can't wait
Beaten Someone Up: yeah, only when pushed to that point
Gotten Beat Up: yeah that bitch was big
Killed an Animal: vehicular homicide
Swam in the Ocean: yeah, in jersy too, mad nasty.
Broke the Law: yeah, hehe
Smoked: yessir
Chewed Tobacco: WTF? Naw man!
Drank: yessir
Been Kissed: yes, nothin like a good kiss!
Been In Love: yeah
Dumped Someone: yes, sorry!
Been Dumped: yeah
Broken Someone's heart: yeah
Had Your Heart Broken: yes, fuckin bastard
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: i don't think so
Broken A Bone: yeah, both my arms
Had Surgery: yes
Had an X-ray or MRI: yes
Failed a Class: yeah, not in college tho
Color: purple, the color of royalty
Food: i eat everyhtin but i love spanish food
Drink: malibu and pinapple
Snack: funyons
Cereal: cookie crisp
Ice Cream: cherry garcia
Candy: starburst
Restaurant: Vessuvio's in South Philly
Fast Food Place: popeye's or checkers
Store: Neimans
Animal: i don't fuck wit nature
Quote: Imma star bitch when u c me make a wish
Sport To Play: does runnin up the steps to the el count as a sport?
Sport To Watch: Football, love them birds
Movie: Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction, and Goonies
TV Show: Greys freakin Anatomy and Sopranos
Type Of Music: R&B
Band: U can catch me walkin down the block playin some New Edition on my i-pod
Singer: Musiq, i love him
Song: Anythin that's not about killin ya kids or robbin ya mom
Pepsi or Coke: Cherry coke
Vanilla or Chocolate: Choc. (hint)
Cake or Ice Cream: Ice Cream
McDonalds or Burger King: micky D's
Love or Money: love, na fuck that, money! jus bein real!
Music or TV: music
Cat or Dog: dog
Mom or Dad: mommy
Truck or Car: car
Ocean or Lake: ocean
Yahoo or Hotmail: who cares?
Google or AJ: Google
Light or Dark: dark
Country or City: city
Rain or Sunshine: sunshine
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice: lips
Personality or Looks: both, bein real again
Hair Color: dark
Eye Color: don't matter
Short or Tall: tall
Romanic or Spontaneous: both
Sense of Humor or Sweet: humor
Hook up or Relationship: relationship
Feeling: bored as hell, why would i answer all this shit?
Listening To: my son sing peanut butter jelly time over and over and over
Wanna: move outta philly
Doing Besides Typing: watchin my son wu-tang, omg, wtf?
Thinking About: what im gonna wear 2nite
Wearing: a t-shirt and shorts wit some fly ass bangles (if u kno me u kno i love braceletts)
In Love: with mike!
Single: um, na - i'm seein somebody
Best Friends: Jescine and Shae
...::The Future::...
Career: Imma be a buyer after i graduate but remember this name cause u will be droppin all ya money at my store
Marriage: yeah, but he gottta b perfect
Kids: i got my son Jayden, he's all i need in this dpt.
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Pulp Fiction, Goonies, Goodfellas, Do the Right Thing, Borat, Kids, The Notebook, Natural Born Killers, Friday, Dazed and Confused, Casino, Gia, Dirty Dancing, Jersy Girl, Rocky, Barnyard PimpSpace PhatPimpClothing.com


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Be Yourself. 1of1Clothing.com
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My mommy - I will never forget you! And of course Che Guevara, all ya'll Cubans know about him!
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