saraJayne profile picture


At 4 in the morning, you know where i'll be.....

About Me

I think i'm done with this space.........
So read this space.....

My Interests

anything involving art and ink. Tattoos and piercings, hair dye and shears. My boyfriend, our puppy and our kittens. Halloween, belts, mirrors, blood red velvet, screaming, your dreams and my nightmares, lost friends, new friends, black, my gloves, my coat, decorating, being with real down to earth people, being with people from another world,
Tim (i miss you)..... laughing, firepits, sleepovers , movies, picnics, bar-b-ques.....

I'd like to meet:

anything hott.........


we'd be here for hours.........


All Kevin Smith, The Neverending Story, The Labyrinth, The Hot Chick, Fight Club, Hackers, A Night at the Roxbury, The Breakfast Club (all brat pack), Empire Records, The Goonies, Reality Bites, Say Anything, Anything with Molly Ringwald or John Cusack, Most saturday night live movies.....independent flims such as the virgin suicides, the bully...etc.


what is this Television thing you speak of?


magazines; International Tattoo, Juxtopoz.....anything artsy.... hardcovers, biographies....


Myself.... my brother for going through the same things i did, triple fold.....

My Blog


I can't put into words how i feel. I was so happy to be reunited with Tim. I got two extra years that i am thankful for. All i know is that he was real. He was amazing. Tim has always been so kind, do...
Posted by saraJayne on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


you leave me with scars, not on my heart but on my arms, where i used to interlock mine with yours. We used to walk the streets, gaurding eachothers heat. remember those mean streets? Rememb...
Posted by saraJayne on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

random conversations with Nathan are the best conversations ever.....

NathansDead (6:40:14 PM): mac and cheese for dinner.. the choices are sprials the cheesiest or three cheese which do you pick take your time and weigh the options this is an important decision not to ...
Posted by saraJayne on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I want 99 red balloons....

yes yes i do...i want 99 red balloons for my birthday....pull it off cause it would make my year and maybe yours
Posted by saraJayne on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST