Ripping down reality, living outside the box, art of all forms, psychology, posthumanism, the mind, metaprogramming, quantum physics, sound design, optics, philosophy, sociology, chemicals, entheogens, and the apocolypse. Nothing is sacred, especially tradition and the status quo. Change is the only constant worth fighting for.
Those who write their own manifestos without regard for expectations, and idealists with their own ideals even if they don't seem possible. Sound junkies, musicians, and writers with something real to say, as well as anyone who has stopped lying to themselves without seeing the point in lying to anyone else. Indigos, INFP's, ENFP's, geeks, freaks, losers, outcasts, philosophers, thinkers, talkers, antisocialites, and anyone with a truly original thought in their head.
AIM - Dist0rtedDre4ms
Sunshine, Trainspotting, Mirrormask, Run Lola Run, Naked, Brazil, Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas, Sunshine, 12 Monkeys, Spirited Away, Paprika, The Cube, Cube I and II, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Pi, The Lady Killers, Donnie Darko, 28 Days Later, What the Bleep Do We Know, Fifth Element, Little Miss Sunshine, Saw I and II, The Princess Bride, and way too many others to list. If they remade The Matrix with less slo-mo and flashy special effects without Keanu Reaves, I'd be overjoyed.
Firefly, Weeds, Braniac, Paranoia Agent, Mythbusters, FLCL, Deathnote, The Boondocks, Who's Line Is It Anyway?, Southpark, Squidbillies, jPod, The Discovery Channel. I'm not big on television. Kill your TV.
House of Leaves, Choke, Anthem, Party Monster, Prometheus Rising, Alice in Wonderland, The Illuminatus Trilogy, The Principia Discordia, 101 Things to Do Until the Revolution, Behind the Glass, The Devil's Dictionary, Candide, and just about anything genuinly thought provoking.
Robert Anton Wilson and Timothy Leary since they have inspired numerous people to rethink their own personal realities for themselves instead of swallowing what they were told by society, family, and instinct. Anyone who has been persecuted for beliefs they refused to give up only to be proven correct in the following decades. Anyone who knows there's something horribly wrong with the way most people live today.