Copious DUDE! Brings you 200mb of free storage space! Store images, music, word docs, flash, games, whatever you would like without worrying about running out of space or not having your image show up because you've "exceeded the bandwidth limit" like with other companies. It makes it easy to resize images and add them and music to your Myspace, Xanga, livejournal, or blogger account.
Check it out today at
Please Pass Along Some FREENESS To Your Friends!
Copious DUDE!
Free File Hosting!
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M'm Feel That Freeness!
So What Is This?
It's free storage! Though unlike photobucket... you will never exceed your bandwidth limit. Plus you can store music, word docs, movies, programs... just about any file you wish. It's pretty easy to add the stored files to your myspace page too! And great if you need to send a large file to a friend.