Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Laughers, dancers, thinkers, people who realize what a gift it is to be alive, funny people that aren't afraid to make someone a little mad for a good full blown belly laugh, anyone that is even remotely interested in going rafting with me, bands that play with energy and excitement no matter what their style of music, confident women, poker players that don't mind me taking all of their $$$ and most of all quality DISC GOLFERS. Disc golf will bring peace to the world, mark my words.
Live Shows!
Rushmore, Aliens, North by Northwest, LOTR, Rounders, Goonies and The 40 Year Old Virgin.
I try to watch as little as possible due to a partially wasted childhood in front of the tube; but when its on, I love The Daily Show, old reruns of MacGyver, Chicago Cubs baseball and The Simpsons.
Tom Robbins is my favorite author but The River Why by David James Duncan changes my mind about life every time I read it.
Teachers. What if they recieved the kind of $$$$$ our military does????? My parents. They believe in me and I love them both so much.