bAckSpaCeDeLetE profile picture



About Me

i'M fLeXibLe...pRediCt mE...(d0n't wAsTe uR tiMe..!!),i'M a seLf-cEntEreD peRsoN wiTh liTtlE reGarD f0r oTheRs~ eHehE..tHaT's mE..!!,luV mY gUrLfrEn cima a.k.a cHnaTsU? veRy MucHh..!!liKe t0 bE suRrouNdeD wiTh mEntaL iMagEs aNd eMoti0nS dUriNg mY sLeEp..aHah..!!(beD paRasiTe hUh..??iTs a nEw kiNd oF j0b~Lar bEb..!! bUt siNce i'Ve beEn aPpOinTed bY MISC.. iM dOinG iT aS a paRt tiMe OnLy..eHeh) c0mPliCatEd,fRieNdLy,luV t0 LaUgh aNd sMiLe,hAte nuMbeRs buT L0vE w0rDs, ( leAst i gOt cRediT foR mY mAth oKaY..!!) dAy dReAmeR,sTuBb0rn~siAn bOnDakU teRcinTa dPt aNaK caMnie...!! muAhaHaha.. :p,dEceiveR,mIsChiEvoUs,iNsAne,aGgrEssIve,bLuR, bRiLLiaNt,sUpeRb,fAntaStic,LunaTic,eRraTic,fuTuRistiC, fRanTiC,pLasTic,aRtiFiciaLLy sYntHetiC,maGneTic..??ciTiZen diCk...wOoPps.!!, apPr0acHabLe,siMpLesaPeR cKp aKu cOmpLicaTed??,sTiLL siNgLe aNd gErsAnG...~ouCchHh..!!dEstRucTor,kEnGkadAng aDeR LaGgiNg skEt..!!~sTiLL uSinG tHe peNtiUm 1 pRoceSsoR..aHakS..!!,cHeErful,nAivE At tiMes (yEr keR..?),~hYp0cRite~daRe tO saY tHaT u aReN't oNe oF tHem..?? oOuHh..f**k OfF..!!,pAciFiEr,,sHy...??~~;muAhaHaha..!!i'M a mUsiC mAnIac...10o+10% mAniAc...,LiVerp0ol iS mY s0uL...~;LuV tHis cLub vErY mUcH aNd i Am s0 daMn pRouD t0 bE tHe pErs0n tHat sh0utS ~;y0u'll nEveR wAlk aLoNe~ eVerY tImE i sAw tHem oN tv...!!(g0sHhh...rEalLy hAte MaN Utd...!!),i'M a pErs0n wHo iS mUtuaLly reLatEd t0 spEeD ~a mEdiUm wHeRe i cAn 0nLy fEeL tHe rEacH of mY aDrEnaLiNe~sTiLL cAn't bReak tHe rEc0rD~laR 190 km/h ~riDiNg a yaMahA maChinE aT tHe KESAS hiGhwaY uSiNg tHe FasT LanE..!!...EheHeh..!!,aNd n0w... i Am c0mpLetEly aN amBitiOus pErsOn..(WoOw..yeR keR niH..? eHEhehE) peRgHhh iNdaHnYer kaLo daPaT tiDo0oo caM duLu...!! paPeRhaL pOn tO aLL oF yOu..sEe yA iN mY drEaM..(babyYy..wa r u waiting 4..?)haha.. guYs...??~sEe yA in HeLL..!! cHaLoOoo..!!!Myspace For Girls Only -

My Interests

music, eat, katilku...ahhh bestnyer tidooo.., my family & -alia, alisha, aiman, aida, haziq, hafiq, harris-, neomedicus, Liverpool FC, Ampang, ELX-826D pearl, and especially all my beloved friends, ehh jap camner bleh luper... sirap bandung satu...!!

I'd like to meet:

~aLL mY beSt bUdDies...+ my luv cimawiLL u maRrY mE..?? ,LiveRpuDliaNs...~oHhh..heLL's goNNa bE ouR tuRn t0 LifT thE tiTLe thiS sEaSoN..!! ~ aRe U LisTed beBeh..?? nOp..? hAhAhA.. mOve uR aSs oUt fRom mY sPacE iF u'Re nOt..!!~


nirvana, pearl jam, soundgarden, alice, silverchair, creed, radiohead, coldplay, dewa, padi, megadeath, starsailor, metallica, iron, lifehouse, muse, the vines, cradle of filth, king diamond, search, wings, ALICIA KEYS, SHANIA TWAIN, STACIE ORRICO etc...


shawshank redemption, se7en, braveheart, urban legend, exorcist, sixth sense, jackass, etc...


scrubs, malcolm, csi, friends, MTv, channel V, senario, etc...


im a bibliophobian...!! a glance would be enuff..


osama laden..!! yearghhhh... he'd rock da' world so well...!!