the paranormal,crazy old people,detail, thrift,the bins, sewing new stuff out of old stuff, imagining, mediphisical studies, sarvey wildlife rescue center, soup, sharp objects, sarcasm, scepticism, political awareness, laughing my ass off when ever possible, fossils, grave yards,a good blood curdling scream, bottles of wine, fuck steriotype, manifesting, projectile vomiting down sevs shirt. evolution, oceans, soil. ferns , moss, seaweed. getting high. krust, drums like machine guns, insane guitar solos, Drumms and tight snare heads. the old volkwagen beetle that keeps me alive my nearly killing me and everyone els every day. go little 1970! dark art, experimental / abstract art. TRUTH, DIY, inner exploration. running around in unfinished buildings at night, boycotting corparations that push over locals, and cloudy dry days, good conversation, costarica, mermaids. spontinuity. sad storing. beautifull intellegent women. seeing past.
people that can handle themselvs. and like to make stuff. and that arent afraid of being straight up. intuitive. fuck it im bad with people. will you hire me?
misfits,slayer,s.o.d.,poison idea,kylesa,converge,Bad Brains,DEATH,drunkinjuns, testiment, telepathic friendsuicidaltendencies,samhain,celtic frost,posessed, septic death,45grave,d.i.,gg allin,t.s.o.l.,murder city devils,d.r.i.,nuclear assault, mecyful fate,municipal waste,exodus,agent orange,english dogs, pixies,cramps,birthday party,angry samoans,thunders,cash,danzig,germs,x, fear,black flag,s.o.b, nucular assault, death from abouve, body count,deathsentence,m.o.d.,hallowseve,plasmatics,nirvana, over kill,aggression,jerry's kids,pestilence,dark angel,pantera,iron maiden,megadeth, metallica,anthrax,mortuary,new york dolls,g.b.h.,heresy,zombies,alice cooper,charles manson,doors,zepplin,beatles,cryptic slaughter, motorhead,malia rage,idol/generation x,d.o.a.,brodies malitia, gang green,mcrad,toxic narcotic, bad brains,dayglo abortions,dead boys,death,broken bones,onslaught, ds13,necropolis,necros,velvet underground,buzzcocks,exploited,anal cunt,accused,skarp,atrophy,undead,aggression,cromags, twisted sister,judas priest,dasoath,3inches of blood,warlocks,charles bronson,alice bag band, kreator,iron cross,talking heads,blood brothers, bob dylan,bob marlley,s.o.d.,sodom,street trash,siege,sepltura,skulls,vandals,b52's,skid row,kraut,scorpions,circle jerks,ratt,discharge,sabbath,minor threat,helloween,roach motel,rigor mortis,damned,conflict,blitz,riot,anti heros,adolescents,blood for blood,motley crue,angry samoens,caustic christ,agnostic front, ect. ect. ect. including "real hip hop" old school, and gangsta rap. oh yeah and all kinds of experimental noise shit.and some indi maybe ill ad thoes some day to. ok here we go.... me and him call it us, acid mothers,akitsa,ampre,an albatross,animal collective,bodies in the gears of the aperatus, blue scholars, the books, circle takes the square,curl up and die,dead raven choir, drop dead,gorgeous. eliot smith, existential dilema, Fuck the facts, gay beast, genghis tron, Love like electrocution, the love, my sexual dad, mirah,the number twelve looks allot like you, prurient, silver daggers, the sound of animals fighting, Unholydeathmachine, tomarrow i am going to go, why?, windir,wolf eyes, xui xui,mogwai....... and dub, ther are just to manny, pic a catagory.
lynch, Troma, quintin taren tino.... hope thats spelled rite.. someone correct me, Bella lagosi , horror, street trash, return of the living dead,indi film,cult. lucio falucci. they live! hookers with chain saws! repoe man, dead alive.
i dont even have one. but i like biographys and documenterys, just turn the shit off! Arrested development. Ren and Stimpy, IFC channel.
the bloody rise of the satanic metal underground. psychic warrior, by david morehouse.
its not the drummer is it?