Music, cats, airplanes, microphones. Apparently from recent events I like to sleep in hotels and hang around airports.
I recently discovered Deathcab for Cutie. Right now I'm listening to Ray laMontagne, Bright Eyes, Josh Rouse, Tom Petty, & Ryan Adams to name a few. The Damnwells new record is a must have. Best record I've heard in a while. I'm into alt-country, classic rock, and a little bit of everything else.Toby Lightman Rocks
Not too much today. mostly history Channel and Discovery channel. Mythbusters are the bomb as is Modern Marvels and Extreme Engineering. I'm such a dork it makes me sick.
Reading Conversations with Tom Petty right now. Dude's a bad ass. Tom Robbins, Mid-east history, Eastern religion is slowly reigning me in. I'm into doing my own research on what is happening in our world right now so i can make my own decisions on the events of today.
Mighty mouse, Snoopy, anyone with droopy ears or a tail. Do you have a tail?