Running, running, and running! I also enjoy cycling, swimming, hiking, kayaking and pretty much anything active and outdoors!
Usually just the popular stuff on the radio, nothing unique.
Apollo 13 is my favorite. Pretty Woman, Dirty Dancing, Sixteen Candles, Somersby, Nell (Erin and I tay'in in the wind), anything animated Disney, The Little Mermaid, Monsters, Aladdin, Finding Nemo, anything lovey and romantic, Hope Floats, The Notebook.
Anything reality, I'm a reality junkie. Real World, Real World/Road Rules Challenges, Survivor, American Idol, America's Top Model, The Amazing Race, The Apprentice etc.Oprah, Oprah After the Show, Grey's Anatomy, The Office, and that new series on Discovery called Planet Earth. Re-runs of Sex in the City, and Lost.
Um.. If it's an interesting magazine about poker or sex, I'll read it, haha!
Oprah Winfrey, my cousin Erin, and my grandmother.