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Lana J

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hello, my name is Lana. In August 2007 I uprooted my entire family of 14 and moved them to Fosston, Minnesota. Life here is great. Fosston is a small town of 1,575 people. It is laid back and quite.Although summer is here in my corner of the world, it has still been a wee chilly! Let me say this though...just as winter was as white as could be, summer up here is greener than anything I have ever seen!! It is gorgeous! The trees are all dressed in their finest greens now. Everything looks so new and fresh! There is a hint of cinnamon in the air that I just adore!It has been quite stormy recently, but if you looked out my window today you would be amazed and in awe of the sights I am seeing! I have trees dressed in emerald and kelly green set against a perfectly clear and cloudless turquoise sky. The birds are chirping excitedly today. They must be as happy as we are that the rain has stopped for the day!! :)

My Interests

You want to know about my interests? WOW!! What should I say? I am currently interested in trying to find some quiet time to myself! interests are photography, scrapbooking, playing my Wii (ROCKBAND for Wii comes out June 22nd (can I get a Woot-Woot!!), and taking care of my beautiful children. Now that spring has sprung in NW Minnesota, I plan on spending the majority of the time outdoors! I love to camp, but never seem to find the time.I miss my old friends down in FL. I wish I could bring them all up here for a huge get together. Even though I LOVE the north, I'd love to show these people up here how to party....southern style! Can you believe NO ONE...NO WHERE up here drinks, nor serves, sweet tea??!!?? If you were a great friend of mine, you know I was not a big tea drinker til about a year ago, then got hooked and had it yanked away from me :( I miss my Sonny's B-B-Q and their amazing sweet tea :( Ya'll hear me? SEND US SOME! LOL

I'd like to meet:

I think I would rather visit more places on this Earth than meet certain people. I met Dierks Bentley back in April '06, and although he was and I am sure is a wonderful guy, it kinda ruined something for what I felt for him, you know? He's like a real person and personally I like the fact of him being more of a fantasy....make sense?


Music is my life. I find so many songs fit my life. I love how music can express such an array of emotions and actually listening to certain songs can change your mood in the matter of a song! Without music I would go insane! If you were to take a peek at my MP3 player you would find a little of everything, including christian music, folk, grunge, latin and of course pop and rock. I love almost all types of music except hard core rap. My favorite artists are Reik, Damien Rice, Jeremy Enigk, Nickelback, Garth Brooks, Evanescence and Dierks Bentley.My MUST HAVE albums that I cannot live without? Ratt-Out of the Cellar, Bon Jovi-Slippery When Wet(yes I was an 80's girl!), Partridge Family Christmas Album (don't laugh), Beach Boys Christmas Album, Don McLean-Greatest Hits.....I have bough SO many copies of these albums it is NOT funny :)


Oh my...I LOVE movies. Some fave of mine are Empire Records, 10 Things I Hate About You, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Knight's Tale, Pretty Woman, The Patriot, The Notebook, The Lake House, A Beautiful Mind, plus so many, many more. I own over 250 DVD's.....I am an movie fanatic!!!


Currently watching "Lost" and "Grey's Anatomy" avidly. Other than that, I usually pop in a movie, watch Disney or Nick Jr (hello! I DO have kids)or any of the many crime, decetive shows (i.e. CSI Miami, Crossing Jordan, Law and Order)


I love to read! I like authors: V.C. Andrews, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, John Saul, Janet Evanovich and Philipa Gregory. I am currently reading "Escape" by Carolyn Jessop about her escape from polygamy....


My hereos are my Dad (who passed when I was 3) He was a Marine. And anyone who gives their everything (including their life!) for this country is a hero of mine! (my father did not pass away while in service, but he is still a hero to me!)For that matter anyone that selflessly gives their life for another is a hero to me. And Bobby Flay, may I one day feast upon the food he makes!!! Philly Steak anyone?And also, my husband Brian. He puts up with so much from me. On my most devilish of days, he still sees me as his sweet angel!

My Blog

Ive been TAGGED!!!!!

Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 10 people to be tagged. Don't forget to leave them a comment "Yo...
Posted by Lana J on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 06:12:00 PST

Today’s topic is: "Lana Rambles on Forever...and about what??"

Well, I haven't written in about a month or I guess we can play alittle catch-up :) 1st I want to say...I know you have all heard about Heath Ledger's untimely death. I was driving home from ...
Posted by Lana J on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 08:19:00 PST

Day After Christmas.....

I know, I know.....I am beginning to sound repetitive, but I have to say it again....Fosston rocks! This move has been the best thing that has ever happened to my entire family! I wish all of you coul...
Posted by Lana J on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 08:22:00 PST

Thanksgiving 2007.......

So, this is my life. Thanksgiving day, 2007. On this chilly morning of my first Thanksgiving in Minnesota  I am gazing out my window. I see the naked trees that line our quiet street. They have ...
Posted by Lana J on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 08:51:00 PST

Sigh....Here we go again...M....

Well, I made up my mind today. I am restarting WW. I am visiting next week. There is one just 2 blocks from my house. With a small town of 1,500 I wonder how many members are actually there. It would ...
Posted by Lana J on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 10:38:00 PST

Halloween 2007

This Halloween was great!!! I feel I spent a small fortune on costumes this year, but it made it worth while :) Our first small town Halloween was a blast! The weather was crisp and cool, the trees we...
Posted by Lana J on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 10:45:00 PST

My New Town

Spent a better part of the day yesterday, just driving around this town and a few close by. We were enjoying the scenery here as this week will be the last week we have fall leaves on our trees. They ...
Posted by Lana J on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 12:31:00 PST

When old friends are new again.....

I know alot of you know that I used to have a friend named Lisa up in Boston. We have had our differences and we both had said some things we shouldn't have said. Our paths recently crossed via inter...
Posted by Lana J on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 08:49:00 PST

Its been a while, Dont you know!!! is a wee about me!!!

Previously posted from my playgroups boards We are settling nicely..... here is a link to photos of our new home!!! 0new%20house%20in%20Foss...
Posted by Lana J on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 08:58:00 PST

Hitting the road again this AM

I am typing this from my hotel room in Seymour Indiana. Whoa is this drive a l  o  n  g  one!! The kids and I stopped in Nashville for 5 hours to have lunch with my sister yesterda...
Posted by Lana J on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 07:30:00 PST