I=PRT oR iNtErEsT iS eQuaL tO iTs PeRcEnT mULtipLiEd tO iTs rAtE aND aGaiN tO iTs tiMe cOnsUmEd..[pErO LaM nYu wLa aKoNg iNtErEsTs kAsi wLa aKoNG uTaNg!!lOlüÜü]
ilegna stellar
uhmm.anyb0dy=p as l0ng as they kn0w h0w t0 appreciate my eff0rt=pStellarly Sweet
wLa aKoNg mXaDoNg 3p nA bOok!!ü**aNti`nErD**
wLa aKoNg mXaDoNg 3p nA bOok!!ü**aNti`nErD**
-=nOoNe cUd bE a hErO tO mAh sELf kUnDi aKo miSmO..=-pErO sYeMpRe c **jEsUs**