Dancing and doggies! Food and wine.
I'd love to meet up with my girlfriends in Sedona Arizona this Summer for a very girlie retreat and celebration of my birthday. Interested?
Very open minded where music is concerned but love jazz and blues. Too Short is one of my absolute favorites. Ella, Chet Baker, Chris Issac, Harry Connick JR., Madonna, Gwen Stefani, Claude Debussi. My favorite song in the whole world must be Claire de Lune and Rump Shaker. Love Corinne Bailey Rae and John Mayer too.
The Lover, 6 weeks, Sliding Doors, Night on Earth, Red, White, Blue, The Departed
Bill Maher, Sopranos, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, Boston Legal, Saturday night Live, Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters, The Apprentice, Top Chef
Native Son, My Farewell Party, Cry My Beloved Country
Anyone who manages to live their life with honesty and integrity. And my beautiful neice, Elise who has both of these qualities.