Lets Keep Things Simple With: Adam [Tenerife :)] profile picture

Lets Keep Things Simple With: Adam [Tenerife :)]

About Me

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I could give you a huge bloody biography of myself, but it's so much easier to say that I'm adam, im 16 years of age, i have blonde hair, and i'm probably jealous of you in some way or form, but don't take it personally. if you wanna know more, just give me a buzz...
These here are the things I like, yer
My Business
Sport In General
Learning the Geetar
Teaching Myself German - Guter Sprung!
Having Something To Do
The Beach
Being Random
Trying To Be Cool And Failing Miserably
Mad Mooches
The Simpsons
Family Guy
Beef Space Raiders
And these are the things I dont really like.
Cold, Dark Weather
Bees and Wasps
Complete Knobheads
The Colour Beige - What Is It For, Really?
School Now And Then
Superman - Batman Is Wellaii Harder
People Who Are Intolerent Of Other Peoples Culture's
The Dutch...Yes, I Stole That One In Yet Another Effort To Look Cool
HCP My latest business endeavour...Give me money to make you shit? Please?
Mark Got put in Remove for getting his balls out. What more can I say really? Well, a lot. But that would be silly and would take a while. Categorically my best mate, yet the others do qualify too
Scott Galloway…Absolute hero; his casual voyeur and positive outtake on life inspire me. Sweet arse too
Walshy Love him like a fat kid loves cake. As does he
Anth The Panther...Pure legend this fella'. Humourous as you like ;]
O'Brien Oooo'Brrriiannnnnnn...Oway' Shark FC
Dom Fellow Chairman of the Save the Beaver campaign...no, its not supposed to be funny. Sick bastards. Anyway, its good crack when Nawtons involved.
Gaz Potential Marine for 2008. I would literally be shtting it if I were an Iraqi at this point in time. Shitting it.
Col Living legend…If anyone were to take over the world, I’d want it to be Col. Not that he will or anything, but it would be reet’ good
Lee At the time of writing, I'd known the fella properly for a day...Being on this list is quite possibly the biggest testament to his life. Ever.
Ches She’s…special. But I love her all the same
Sandi A mixture of hilarity, energy and good old fashioned fun rolled into one shiny bundle
Jade ROFL Eeeh she's bloody brilliant! She's smalltastic, a shoulder to lean on...literally speaking :]
Chloe Eeh, she’s a bit of a laugh…her musical taste is awe inspiring. Dirty techno!?!…For shame
Carla She’s a tool, she’s mad, she dances like your Dad, Serginson
Mel Filth. Pure, unadulterated filth.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:
