[bbzSpace Dancing Lines]---
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Glitter from Hot-lyts.com
DiS is mi BesT FRIEND EMILYY!!!..aka LOLA...she iz mi twin.. xcept shes tall nd black..i LUV HER to DEATH
DIS GRL..???she iz mi otha BFF....yea well her name iz TASHA...SHE IZ GONNA BE Mi TWiiN 4LYFE...i ALSO WUV HER 2 DEATH... i have been knowin her since like bout 6th grade...nd she iz da most RAWQNIST LOOZZR IN dis WORLD!!!...lollzzz....BUH~BYE TWiiN Pimp My Profile
Mii{{fake}}SISTA CARMiNA~LiNA!!!she isss SUch a GUD budii....nd SiNc3 sh3 is a FILIPINOO..mi par3nts like AuToMatiCally like herr lollzzz....she gave me 50 bucks 4 mi b~day lollzzz...nd even tho i started tlkin to her like onlii diss year, we've already gone through SOOOOO much lollzzz
LEISHA!!!..BesTiee_lls==RanD0M chiQ.._A.D.D_ viCtiM
PAIGE!!!i ♥ Dis GURl
BRi~BRi!!!mET HER in SOCCER...she Also Has Her ShARE iN SLOOO moMEnTS lls....ND she iS soo==PRESSEDKAIL~~~!!!_i DO NOT CARE WAT SHE THINXX...BUT SHE CuD SINGG!!!...
i LUBB diS GRLL!!SHe Mi HOnDURAS ChiCA!HELENbut id B a bettr quartrback==
NOW DiSS Guuyy???...JERMAINE??..yea well hes my _TWiN_!!!<4R3AL>..His ODDBALL ass Jus Had 2 B BoRn On DA SAM33 FriQQn DAY...3/5/93...I M3T HiM LasT Y3ar..He SeemEd Pretti GUD BuT hes REAL FUNNY tooo!!!HAHAHA
Sometimes things just don't work out...
The girl who seemed unbreakable;;broke...
The girl who seemed so strong;;crumbled...
The girl who always laughed it off ;;cried...
the girl who never stopped crying ;; quit...WE R ALLL CAMERA WHORESS!!!lls...
Pimp My Profile
All about yourself...the survey.
All about yourself...
First name?:: jaCKieLYN...
Middle name?:: M.
Like your name?:: ehhhh...its ok...
Named after anyone?:: i dunt think soo..
Any nicknames?:: LADIDA.BOB.JACKIE.BLAH...nd moreee
Age?:: 14...yupp
Birthdate?:: MARCH 5....$$money plzzz
Birthplace?:: BELTSVILLEE?
Time you were born?:: i dunno....night
Current location?:: on a chair..
Height?:: 5'4
Like your height?:: welll i dunt wanna be sheenas or emilys...it suits me
Eye color?:: brown
Contacts/glasses?:: nopee...i want RED contacts THO!!...lolzz
Hair color?:: brown
Natural hair color?:: yes yes yes..nd i am DAM proud of itt
Dye your hair often?:: i dunt dye it ever...DA SMELL iz NASTY
Righty or lefty?:: righty tighty
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: evrythin basically xcept da ones dat suck
Band or singer?:: i dunnooo...i got TOO much
TV show?:: i dunno
Movie?:: loVE&BasKetbaLL.weDDing CraShers.MeanGiRLs.GREASE.+.HerCulEs_LOL!!..but seriously..it izz
TV channel?:: 134235354735634523...
Radio station?:: da one wif gud musicc
Place to be?:: on da beach
Thing to do?:: FOOTBALL!!!
Food?:: lasagna nd mash potatoes
Non alcoholic drink?:: rasberry~iced tea
Alcoholic drink?:: i dunnooo..i am underage lollzzz...{{XAVIERAS HOUSE}}
Animal?:: duck.penguin.dogg.walrus...i kno pwetti randomm
Holiday?:: X~MAS!!!
Season?:: summer...HAWT!!
Sport?:: FOOTBALL!!!basketball,softball,soccer...nd sum otha stuff
Place to shop?:: stores
Clothing brand?:: REAl ones
Scent?:: gud ones
Restaurant?:: tasty ones
Fruit?:: grapefruit nd strawberries
Vegetable?:: asparagus
Fast food restaurant?:: MICKY D's
Pizza topping?:: evrithin...
Ice cream flavor?:: COOKIES N' CREAM
Magazine?:: ummm...prolly seventeen
Color?:: NEON green and black nd grey
Number?:: 3 nd 1
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:: chocolate
Pepsi or coke?:: COKE!!..pepsi jus wishes it waz COKE
Hot or cold?:: HOT HOT HOT!!!
Black or white?:: black
Dog or cat?:: DOGGYY
French toast or pancakes?:: pancakes
French fries or onion rings?:: french fries
Hamburger or hot dog?:: hamburger
Pepperoni or sausage?:: PEPERONI
Britney or Christina?:: neither....they both r disguistin
McDonalds or Burger King?:: MICKY D's
50 Cent or Eminem?:: 50
Canada or Mexico?:: MEXICO
Hug or kiss?:: ...?...
Movies or TV?:: movies
Truth or dare?:: DARE!!!...
Do you...
Shower daily?:: Of course....
Sing in the shower?:: all da time.....
Like to sing?:: yupsterss....i jus SUCK realli realli BAD
Like to dance?:: wen im in da mood...but YEA
Drink?:: occasionally but not CRAZ @ all
Cuss?:: yea...a lil TOO much..
Talk to yourself?::
Believe in yourself?:: sumtimess...but i try
Play an instrument?:: da flute nd a lil of piano
Go to school?:: MLK!!!...i luv it..?
Go to college?:: not yet..
Have a job?:: *STUDENT*
Like your job?:: td align="lef