Just Another Day In The Life Of Michelle profile picture

Just Another Day In The Life Of Michelle

I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm Michelle. That's about all you need to know. Oh, and I'm mad-wild-crazy about Jesus! Woo-Hoo! I also really enjoy a good ham sandwich every now and then and find it easiest to express myself through music. So how about you just imagine me singing this whole "about me" section. That's Definately gotta be FuRnny! I'm a music teacher @ a local christian school, a volleyball coach and an early childhood development specialist(Don't let the big title scare ya...It's just fun to say :) I also give piano and guitar lessons on the side. I'm the Worship Leader and Youth Director at my local church, "The C-Town COGOP Hizz-ouse!" Besides all that jazz...My life is pretty simple and i like it that way---the less Drama the better...HOlla! :)

My Interests

I'm mainly interested in JESUS...I pretty much love Him more than chunky kids love stuffing their faces with oleo and toast!!! Ummm...I like FOOD! Definately! I play and teach music so I'm pretty sure we could consider that an interest. I take care of children which isn't so much an interest as is just plain INTERESTING!

I'd like to meet:

"Twanda the Amazing Amazon woman"...I hear she poses frequently around the world as baby jesii in the "live" Nativity scenes outside of random bowling alleys and roller rinks during the Christmas Season.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


This is my weakness...I'll listen to just about anything if it's good quality. everyone appreciates a good musician and a singer who can sing ... The style I probably listen to most would be "Contemporary Worship"...being a worship Leader, that comes in handy sometimes. I am most definately confused of the color of my skin when it comes to taste in music...Let's just say i'm NOt your average white girl. I think I may be 1/3 cavewoman.


Anything that makes me laugh. WARNING: I may be subject to repeating funny lines of movies seen more than the normal alotted times. I'll always be a "LOTR" fan and I love all the Chris farley, Adam Sandler and Will ferrel movies.I'm also crazy about the classics like "Fried Green tomatoes" and "Little Women". I pride myself on owning the greatest movie collection ever. then again I'm also quite bias. Some may say I'm a little overly obsessive with "Madea"...What do you think?


Don't watch much of it...For one, I don't usually have time and for two most of what's on it is YUCk. I do enjoy a good episode of "Everybody Loves Ramond" every now and then.I'm also a little obsessed with "Grey's Anatomy", "desperate housewives" and "simpsons" and I could NOT live with out at least one good episode of "Rosanne" per week.


The Bible...yeah, I'm pretty sure it's about the best book I read.


Jesus...cause He's EVERYTHING to me! My mom, because she's strong and wise. I hope one day I can have even half the wisdom and knowledge that she has. Last but not least, Your friendly neighborhood hero, "Applebees"...Don't know what I'd do w/o 1/2 off appet.

My Blog

Love is all we need.

It's been a while. I'm pretty sure I stole that line outta some song. Lol. So much has happened-I don't even know where to begin. Isn't it funny how one day you're secure and your feet are on the gro...
Posted by Just Another Day In The Life Of Michelle on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 03:51:00 PST

What? Saturday!

I'm lovin' this super, beautiful day! Thank You Jesus for such a loveRly day! I finally bought a bookshelf today! Yay! I even put it together myself&WOW! Impressive! J I rearranged my living room&a b...
Posted by Just Another Day In The Life Of Michelle on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 04:43:00 PST

Love. Water. Air. Jesus.

In this life, there are certain necessities. Things that we most definitely, no matter how hard we try...CAN’T live without. Water...we need water to function. Plants/crops need water to gr...
Posted by Just Another Day In The Life Of Michelle on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 03:29:00 PST

From fear to faith:Weeds to watermelon

This is me. I once feared a lot of things. I still do. I’m learning however to exchange fear for faith. Fear leaves me crippled and lifeless. Faith leads to wholeness. Here’s the gardener....
Posted by Just Another Day In The Life Of Michelle on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 11:08:00 PST

I am Triangle.

Triangle: 3 sided object. I feel three sided sometimes. I don’t often feel just one way. Some would term that as schizophrenic. I like to think of it as complicated fun. There’s most defin...
Posted by Just Another Day In The Life Of Michelle on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 05:00:00 PST

Beautiful YOU!

I love today. It’s so beautiful. Jesus is so beautiful. I love the sun. I’m so thankful that I got the privilege to drive out and about on my lunch break w/my windows down. That’s my...
Posted by Just Another Day In The Life Of Michelle on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 11:02:00 PST


It snowed today. It snowed a whole buttload. I'd really like to go sledding but I'm not in the mood to be cold. Funny, especially for me cause I'm usually the first one out to play in the fun, fluffy,...
Posted by Just Another Day In The Life Of Michelle on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 03:14:00 PST


I'm so tired. My body hurts. I don't understand why faithfulness means nothing to most of the world anymore...Husbands and wives split up like every min., friends give up and walk away like every sec....
Posted by Just Another Day In The Life Of Michelle on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 07:47:00 PST

More than a friend.

I love Jesus. I'm not gonna lie,  (Remember....I took off the mask-no more pretending for me.lol:) things have felt more than overwhelming lately. Life is good and there have been MANY wonderful ...
Posted by Just Another Day In The Life Of Michelle on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 06:19:00 PST

The Mask-Not Jim Carreys

I realized the other day that I was worn out w/facades. What do you mean Michelle??? Well, for all the religious folk I'm sure that means I've been hiding some huge, horrible sin---like kiling random ...
Posted by Just Another Day In The Life Of Michelle on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 04:49:00 PST