I'm mainly interested in JESUS...I pretty much love Him more than chunky kids love stuffing their faces with oleo and toast!!! Ummm...I like FOOD! Definately! I play and teach music so I'm pretty sure we could consider that an interest. I take care of children which isn't so much an interest as is just plain INTERESTING!
"Twanda the Amazing Amazon woman"...I hear she poses frequently around the world as baby jesii in the "live" Nativity scenes outside of random bowling alleys and roller rinks during the Christmas Season.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
This is my weakness...I'll listen to just about anything if it's good quality. everyone appreciates a good musician and a singer who can sing ... The style I probably listen to most would be "Contemporary Worship"...being a worship Leader, that comes in handy sometimes. I am most definately confused of the color of my skin when it comes to taste in music...Let's just say i'm NOt your average white girl. I think I may be 1/3 cavewoman.
Anything that makes me laugh. WARNING: I may be subject to repeating funny lines of movies seen more than the normal alotted times. I'll always be a "LOTR" fan and I love all the Chris farley, Adam Sandler and Will ferrel movies.I'm also crazy about the classics like "Fried Green tomatoes" and "Little Women". I pride myself on owning the greatest movie collection ever. then again I'm also quite bias. Some may say I'm a little overly obsessive with "Madea"...What do you think?
Don't watch much of it...For one, I don't usually have time and for two most of what's on it is YUCk. I do enjoy a good episode of "Everybody Loves Ramond" every now and then.I'm also a little obsessed with "Grey's Anatomy", "desperate housewives" and "simpsons" and I could NOT live with out at least one good episode of "Rosanne" per week.
The Bible...yeah, I'm pretty sure it's about the best book I read.
Jesus...cause He's EVERYTHING to me! My mom, because she's strong and wise. I hope one day I can have even half the wisdom and knowledge that she has. Last but not least, Your friendly neighborhood hero, "Applebees"...Don't know what I'd do w/o 1/2 off appet.