Christina profile picture


Never give up

About Me

Profile edited with CricketSoda's Myspace Editor

My Interests

Pirates, zombies, film and theatre, Renaissance fairs, Metal, piano, photography, painting, psychology, history, literature

I'd like to meet:

Actors, musicians, artists, because that is what i am interested in. But for the most part, anyone who has a passionate dream that they will never stop following.Something I heard on TCM: Most people think that as an actor, you put a mask on. But I've never thought of it like that. Acting is really taking the mask off.


Agalloch, ACDC, Alestorm, Alice Cooper, Alice in Chains, Angry Eyebrows, At Most Fear, The Beatles, Billy Idol, Black Sabbath, Blondie, Blue Oyster Cult, Both Guns Blazing, Byleth, Cellador, Cold Steel, Cradle of Filth, Dead End Kids, Dead of Dawn, Dimmu Borgir, Disturbed, The Doors, The Eagles, EchoBliss, Ensiferum, Foreigner, Finntroll, Frozen Embers, Gravestorm, Guns N Roses, Iron Maiden, Journey, Judas Priest, Korn, Kiss, Korpiklaani, Kreator, Led Zeppelin, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Marilyn Manson, Megadeth, Metallica, Ministry, Moonspell, Mudvayne, Murderdolls, Nightwish, Naglfar, Narcotic Self, Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, The Offspring, Pantera, Paria, Pink Floyd, Queen, Queens of the Stone Age, Rammstein, Rasputina, Rob Zombie, The Rolling Stones, Sandskin, Slayer, Smile Empty Soul, Talos, Tool, Tyr, Vader


Favorite Comedy: Detroit Rock City. Favorite Dramas: American History X, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Other good ones: Lost Boys, Meet Joe Black, Frida, Dazed and Confused, Garden State, American Werewolf in London, Secret Window, Old School, The Notebook, Sorority Boys, Romy and Michele's High School Reunion, Superman, X Men 2, Underworld, From Hell, Willy Wonka, alexander, almost famous, boys town, the new world, devils rejects, city of angels, lord of the rings (all),rent, con air,accepted,matchbook men,spiderman, just friends, the doors, x men 3,just like heaven. van helsing, independence day, rolling kansas, frequency, zoolander, little miss sunshine, disturbia, the bone collector, IRON MAN, the old Indiana Jones's, and Star Wars's, Wanted, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Requiem for a Dream,


Lost, That 70s show, Scrubs


The Day after Tommorrow, The Fountainhead, We The Living, Pigeons Blood, Frankenstein, Dracula, Harry Potter 3, We All Fall Down, Vamped, Getting Out, Rumors, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream Tell Me Your Dreams, Wicked, The Great Gatsby, The Crucible


Umm....yeah....=" jb25hdG9yLmNvbS9pY29uLnBocD9JY29uSUQ9NTc3NjQ1">My dad, because he made it in the business world when no one said he could. Brad Pitt, because he became a great, widely known actor after many directors rejected him. Johnny Depp, because watching him act kept me wanting to act when I was on the verge of giving up. My mom, because she came from a poor family in Iowa and became a respected woman and a great mom. Marilyn Manson, because people said he wouldn't make anything of himself, but he did. My voice teacher Amanda Miller because she believes in me and has taught me so much in the year I took lessons from her, Greg Schmidt because he has helped me with acting so much and has always believed in me since I first came to volunteer at the renaissance faire. And everybody else who was told they couldn't do something, but kept trying anyway and succeeded.He is...fucking awesome.

My Blog

Die Hexe

Ich kann nicht schlafenIch hasse ich selbst.Es ist so Schlecht, Die Welt hassen mir.So allein, ich bin vergessen. Ich habe nichts and niemand.Ich bin so allein, aber es ist meine Fehler.Mein augen wer...
Posted by Christina on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 12:43:00 PST

why do i love it so much?

Why do I love it so much? WHY????? I don’t even know if I love it anymore.How can I? I don’t even remember what it feels like. All I know now is the rejectionand the nerves and the apolog...
Posted by Christina on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 06:45:00 PST

Glowing Cats, Glowing fish, Glowing Rabbits!!!!

I just found out that some south korean scientists cloned florescent cats!!!!!! They have glow-in-thedark goldfish too, and you can buy them!!!!!!!! also, there's a picture of a glow in the dark bunny...
Posted by Christina on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 08:06:00 PST

Millard South=One Act District Champions!

Need I say  more? Come see us perform for State at Kearney on Friday!!!!!!!!!!! Our show is "White as Snow, Red as Blood". It's an evil rendition of Snow White by the Grimm Brothers....
Posted by Christina on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 10:24:00 PST

I got a car!!!

Posted by Christina on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 03:39:00 PST

so i gave my dad the marilyn manson t.shirt i just bought...

i guess thats a small price to pay for him giving a shit about my life.  but still...that's the 2nd mm tshirt he's taken away. i figured i might as well just give it to him rather than get ground...
Posted by Christina on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 09:34:00 PST

Poem while Tanning/Tool/Dumb CD Player

The sun is gone The battery's Dead Lying here half naked Exposing all the thoughts inside my head   I want the sun to come out And make my eyelids red Blare the music in my ears Forget all that's...
Posted by Christina on Tue, 08 May 2007 08:13:00 PST

I'm In A Play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes.... Finally. I haven't been in one for 3 and a half months!!!!! I was going crazy.... Thank you to everyone who believed in me. ;)
Posted by Christina on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 06:58:00 PST


that's just it. no acting=barely alive. no role to play, no one to become.
Posted by Christina on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 03:17:00 PST


I want to act There's nothing else There's no one to lean on and nothing to dream on&& But that.   The stage. And gradually it's stolen from me, snatched right from my hands Puppets making mocker...
Posted by Christina on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 03:39:00 PST