~ Hip Hop
~ R & B
~ Oldies
~ Pretty Woman - MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE!!!
~ Dirty Dancing
~ Stepmom
~ Scary Movie Series
~ Leslie Nielson's movies
I'm a WB junkie.....
*One Tree Hill
But I also love watching:
*Law & Order
*Sex & the City
I love to favorite types of books are the murder mystery series, and once in awhile, I'll read a romance.
My favorite authors are:
*Iris Johannsen
*James Patterson
*Danielle Steele
I have one true hero in my life and that's MY MOMMA:
She raised four beautiful, smart, and loyal children by herself. Life has always been unkind to her, but she sure never let that get the best of her. I'm sure life is unkind to a lot of people out there, but boy, instead of breaking us, it only brought us closer together. Now, the bond between my family is U-N-B-R-E-A-KA-B-L-E!!!