Scuba Steve [stop fighting/start kissing] profile picture

Scuba Steve [stop fighting/start kissing]

if im not cool then cool ppl suck

About Me

N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Nhey party people!
My bestest buddy calls me steven or scuba steve
but you can call me Steph coz thats my name i dont know why she calls me those names but i like it and thats that!
i work full-time and i live for the weekend. i like words..even if most of what i say is wrong and doesnt make sense beacause i use words that i dont know the meaning to. i've been known to blurt out random facts that no one needs to know but everyone finds interesting like did you know you share your bday with at least 9 million other ppl in the world? its true i took a survey
no i really didnt
other than that i chew gum likes its my job..its my bad habit..but i have zero cavities! ive never dyed my hair, i read the newspaper almost every morning and i like to pretend i dont care what ppl think of me but in reality i just want ppl to like me! haha
heres more:
|eating ice cream|
|good music|
|boys in bands|
|chicken fingers|
|dancing to ghetto 80s music|
|dancing to ghetto 90s music|
|dancing in general (not professionally)|
|banjos, harmonicas, kazzoos|
|peach and apple juice|
|pirates..its all about the eye patch|
|making ur own fun when theres none to be found|
|when the snow twinkles|
|looking at the stars|
|midday drink fests| |going sledding or skating in the middle of night|
|meeting new people that are cooler than me|
|getting the shiveries while listen to an amazing song|
|having crushs|
|&hearts KRISTY &hearts|
|falling down stairs|
|being sick|
|seeing people that kno you but ignore you like they have nvr seen u before!!|
|forgetting how to spell|
|going to the doctor|
|when no one talks to me|
|paper cuts|
|when my friends flirt with the guy i like|
|waking up 5mins before my alarm goes off|
|overly detailed facial hair|

My Interests

Create a Myspace LED Scroller
drinking, eating, know the usual. my favorite flavor would have to be green and balloons scare me (after the helium incident) reciting movie lines instead of having a normal conversation...drinking l'alcool en masse (thats french for a lot of alcohol..i think) sin and phoenix danceoffs.
ill add travelling since i finally did a little this summer..and i can pretty much guarantee as soon as i can ill be off again!

I'd like to meet:

someone who can serenade me with a banjo.....I LOVE ZE BANJO SOUND


Music rocks my socks...i enjoy deftones, head automatica, a static lullaby, refused, death from above, alexisonfire, the cure, atreyu, brand new, thrice, taking back sunday, mars volta, finch, the used, aphex twin, my chemical romance, the stills, the postal service, glassjaw, moneen, mike patton, controller controller, panic! at the disco, godspeed! you black emperor, xiu xiu, neon blonde, senses fail, missy elliot, sean paul, tv on the radio, glassjaw, team sleep, dj shadow, pendulum, nikki french, the hives, bright eyes, underoath....freaking dance music! like bumptchbumptchbumptch...and every other band in the universe to some degree. i aint gonna hate on any music... /B


movies are good..i like movies! specially weird indie/cult/horror films.. may, napoleon dynamite, salton sea, labrynth, beetelgeuse, drop dead fred, little monsters, the wizard (i love my fred savage), my pet monster, my girl (the saddest movie), back to the future x3, donnie darko, encino man, drop dead fred, how to lose a guy in 10 days (teehee), anarchist cookbook, sid and nancy, son-in-law, pulp fiction, true romance, vanilla sky...bruce almighty...any jim carey(hes hilarious...u kno it)empire records, fight club, brick, the wizard, horror movies that'll make me cry /B


life as we know it...i have a crush on one of the actors!(the one that makes out with kelly osbourne...that lucky sloote) too bad it was cancelled now ill nvr know if debra moves to NYC!
One Tree Hill /B


James and the giant peach, the bell jar by sylvia plath /B


pauly shore

My Blog

*NEW* in the spirit of flu season: a rap.

right now i am illin' feelin' very unlike a villaincoz my snot keeps a spillin'and my body feels like its a chillin'my white blood cells are currently makin a killin'without the help from no penicilli...
Posted by Scuba Steve [stop fighting/start kissing] on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 11:14:00 PST

my life as a story part four..watching the dance floor

went for a little sexy visit to bishop university this weekend..strange place that bishops its a pure sex factory! hah anyways so we all go down to the local bar and like all other bars theres hook u...
Posted by Scuba Steve [stop fighting/start kissing] on Sun, 20 Nov 2005 03:45:00 PST

i love le weekend

i went to toronto this weekend...met some fucken A-one ppl..i seriously cant handle how great everyone was! so nice and so fun! they made standing out in the cold waiting for a bus being called a fag ...
Posted by Scuba Steve [stop fighting/start kissing] on Tue, 18 Oct 2005 07:50:00 PST

mean ppl stink

what is wrong with ppl? am i not allowed to enjoy a nice evening out with my friends without being hassled and called names (emo fag?! who comes up with these things? its absurd! i dont even know if i...
Posted by Scuba Steve [stop fighting/start kissing] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

*edit* my life as a story part tree - the scenario

staring:kristy, matt and themselves steph walks into room holding a pickle on fork; sees kristy and matt on couch Steph:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAH ARE YOU GUYS MAKING OUT?!?!?! Kristy: ar...
Posted by Scuba Steve [stop fighting/start kissing] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

*edit* my life as a story part deux-so our story begins..

prologue: the fine piece of art that follows was written by kristy and myself last night. as you may be able to tell we were feeling very "inspired", it was written while we were trying to speak with ...
Posted by Scuba Steve [stop fighting/start kissing] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

without the bitter

so ive been having one of those days where theres not much to do but think about this and that and i realize i hate how right all those little sayings are true! it makes me sick mostly because its all...
Posted by Scuba Steve [stop fighting/start kissing] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

*edit my life as a story part one - great night..

i feel i need to tell u ppl about my nite last nite coz it sure as hell entertained the fuck outta me ....get goes: worked til 9...took the bus home in the minus a bazillion degree weath...
Posted by Scuba Steve [stop fighting/start kissing] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

raining pins AND needdles

just walked to the corner store for some watermelon bubble gum...mmm...and its raining/snowing rocks! mayb ethats a lil extreme but not too far off...i think it i may have some small wounds on my face...
Posted by Scuba Steve [stop fighting/start kissing] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

concert orgasm

just got back from THE most amazing show of my entire life...Funeral for a friend, atreyu and taking back sunday...not one bad thing to say!!!!(except that i wish the tall smelly guy in front of me ha...
Posted by Scuba Steve [stop fighting/start kissing] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST