Chelsea profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I am 16. I am still in school. I have a boyfriend that I Luv so much. I luv to have fun on the weekends w/ my friends. I love to dance and I luv to sing in the shower. I'm just a typical teenager....

My Interests

I luv to watch Football, Basketball, and Baseball. I luv to go shopping. I luv to EAT all kinds of junk food.


I like all kinds of music. My fav. is Hip-Hop/R&B I listen to just about N~E~Thing...


I like all kinds of movies. But I don't like n~e movies w/ clowns. I hate them so much.. I will watch some movies that r scary but not all movies...


I luv to watch TV. That's all that I do n~e more is watch TV during the week then on the weekends I PARTY!!!!!!! My fav. TV channels r MTV and BET...