In here, life is beautiful. The girls are beautiful. Even the orchestra is beautiful!
Reasons To love the people I do
Asian + Spooky = wtf then Asian + Spooky + Valley Girl Accent = mind boggling-Timmy
And if it were anyone one else id breakup with her in a heartbeat to say one line about me and you doin the nasty-My most favorite David.....DJ
I like the sluts for their personality-I'm Alex I'm Alex I'm Alex with no pants!
I love my fuzzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i love my fuzzy forever and only my fuzzy forever! Sex you twice and once in the morning!-I love my month April forever!
What do you like about 6?(In a top 8 bulletin)
kingsley :)(her answer)-My Big Boobed Pink Haired No Assed Asian Friend
Im just really really impersonal i tend to treat the ex as if they are a severed testicle i never look again and if i do, its in shame and painfull regret so i try to avoid contact with them like a zombie a zombie severed testicle.-Ian
I have a tongue!-Hobo Aaron
"What the name of the song that the ice cream man plays I'm going to blast it in my car"-David fucking Batman Heckley
Why do black people smell bad? so blind people can hate them too!-Eric.
"Fuzzy because she has the biggest boobs of any asian"-Teri
Angry Fucking Dwarves.
"Oh my god I see that chick with the huge tits who's all freeaaakky"-Girls Next Door
"Men cheat for the same reason dogs lick their balls, because they can."-Sex and the City..
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MySpaceHome.Net Profile Editor
"It is (to describe it figuratively) as if an author were t make a slip of the pen, and as if this clerical error became conscious of being such. Perhaps this was no error but in a far higher sense was an essential part of the whole exposition. It is, then, as if this clerical error were to revolt against the author, out of hatred for him, were to forbid him to correct it, and were to say, "No, I will not be erased, I will stand as a witness against thee, that thou art a very poor writer."-J.D. Salinger
"shutting the door when you go to take a piss is a perfectly good waste of energy." kenji kitada spoken from the bathroom
a Claire I am your older brother I am older wiser. Claire don't drink monster. You can smoke pot. Drink beer but oh Riley wants to have a battle (Riley being his cat) oh.........Claire I'm upside down.