Marvelous Mo-- profile picture

Marvelous Mo--

Marvelous Mo you...fuck all you hoes!

About Me

...:: From Uptown, NYC ::......:: I'm not all Black ::......:: Have a Bachelors ::......:: Future for a Masters? Yes ::......:: Can been spotted at a club if you go out ::......:: Can also be spotted at a Barnes & Nobles near you ::......:: In Love with: Words, thoughts, opinions ::......:: Can't Stand: people who don't express the above ::...My Personal PSA: A fat ass and video chick sex appeal dont make you Marvelous. Being MARVELOUS is a package of mental and physical beauty.

My Interests

having fun, writing, reading, music, movies, hanging out....anything that makes my heart beat.oh yeah, can't forget my BlackBerry!!! lolContact me: AIM/AOL- Marvelous Mo [email protected]

I'd like to meet:

I dig cocky people. they truly piss me off, but i can't help myself. the self gloating can use some fine tuning, but...whatever.people on the humble side i would like to be around as well as...i can name a couple of dickheads out here that I'd love to meet.In a nutshell...EVERYONE.View All Pictures | | Add Comment

I post NEW stuff daily on my blog Inquiries and comments about the blog?

[email protected]


R&B & Rap....but i am a fan of 90's Rap & R&Bthis isn't the tip of the iceburg, but i have handful of my favorite songs playing in the .. player.


...::Coming to America::.......::Memoirs of a Geisha::......:: Vanilla Sky::......:: Last Dragon::......::Golden Child::......::Friday::......::Boyz in the Hood::......:: all the "Rush Hour" movies::......:: all the "Beverly Hills Cop" movies::......::all the "Lethal Weapon" movies::......:: Jackass Pt 2::......there are way more


...::Martin + Chappelle is top dollar::......::anything with Chef Ramsey in it lol::......::Family Guy::......::Anything on the NGC::......::MTV/VH1/E!::... when they have something revelant to music...::Seinfeld::......::Will & Grace::... [Homo stuff is OD at times, but I have grabbed a laugh out of it]...::Discovery Channel & Science channel::...


The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka is a throw back book. Read it when i was a little shit, but i still like it.oh yeah...go by this book. it's dope if youre into the history of the U.S. of A. and Freemasons. "Solomon's Builders" - Christopher Hodapp"The Arab Mind" - Raphael Pataii plan on publishing something at some point of my life. my heart has a song to sing and a story to tell. can't sing like Beyonce, so i might as well throw the pen to the pad lol:o)OK these aren't books but it does pertain to reading. I love [hip hop] blogs & websites. I visit these just about every day. First my friends ...::Sickamore::... my http://thatgirliscrazee.blogspot.comOthers & Disorderly::...


cold pastrami with mayo lettuce tomato salt pepper and american cheese...:o)HA CHA CHA CHAAA

My Blog

miss my blogs?

I have a blog on which I take the time to sift through all sorts of news and speak on issues and viewpoints that are happening in our society. some news are good and some are bad, but wi...
Posted by Marvelous Mo-- on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 02:17:00 PST