having fun, writing, reading, music, movies, hanging out....anything that makes my heart beat.oh yeah, can't forget my BlackBerry!!! lolContact me: AIM/AOL- Marvelous Mo [email protected]
I dig cocky people. they truly piss me off, but i can't help myself. the self gloating can use some fine tuning, but...whatever.people on the humble side i would like to be around as well as...i can name a couple of dickheads out here that I'd love to meet.In a nutshell...EVERYONE.View All Pictures | MoisDeadSerious.com | Add Comment
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R&B & Rap....but i am a fan of 90's Rap & R&Bthis isn't the tip of the iceburg, but i have handful of my favorite songs playing in the .. player.
...::Coming to America::.......::Memoirs of a Geisha::......:: Vanilla Sky::......:: Last Dragon::......::Golden Child::......::Friday::......::Boyz in the Hood::......:: all the "Rush Hour" movies::......:: all the "Beverly Hills Cop" movies::......::all the "Lethal Weapon" movies::......:: Jackass Pt 2::......there are way more
...::Martin + Chappelle is top dollar::......::anything with Chef Ramsey in it lol::......::Family Guy::......::Anything on the NGC::......::MTV/VH1/E!::... when they have something revelant to music...::Seinfeld::......::Will & Grace::... [Homo stuff is OD at times, but I have grabbed a laugh out of it]...::Discovery Channel & Science channel::...
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka is a throw back book. Read it when i was a little shit, but i still like it.oh yeah...go by this book. it's dope if youre into the history of the U.S. of A. and Freemasons. "Solomon's Builders" - Christopher Hodapp"The Arab Mind" - Raphael Pataii plan on publishing something at some point of my life. my heart has a song to sing and a story to tell. can't sing like Beyonce, so i might as well throw the pen to the pad lol:o)OK these aren't books but it does pertain to reading. I love [hip hop] blogs & websites. I visit these just about every day. First my friends ...::Sickamore::... http://thankgodimfamous.blogspot.com...::Lissa my go.to.girl::... http://thatgirliscrazee.blogspot.comOthers ...::xxlmag.com::......::allhiphop.com::......::dallaspenn.c om::......::byroncrawford.com::......::Crunk & Disorderly::... http://crunktastical.blogspot.com...::nahright.com::......:: brooklynbodega.com::......::hiphop.com::......::hiphopdx.com ::......::okayplayer.com::......::sohh.com::......::ballerst atus.com::...
cold pastrami with mayo lettuce tomato salt pepper and american cheese...:o)HA CHA CHA CHAAA