Tye profile picture


When I grow up...I want to be a Kid.

About Me


Okay I really did not know people read this section, so I guess I will put a little something about myself here. Ummmm...I like doing anything that requires me to be creative or active; I have a very busy, artsy mind. I love to have fun and meet people who like to have fun. I'm a music junkie. I won't think twice about jumping on a plane and going somewhere, even if I have never been there and know no one there. I love adventure and being spontaneous. I guess I can say that I love working out, running, biking whatever (I really love my bikes). I also love my quiet time too. I usually have something corny to say and I don't mind being goofy. I hope this is enough information because I honestly don't know what else to put here.

FYI my page looks like this because I came across this Hot picture on mediafunktype.com that is based on one of my favorite songs "Darling Nikki" so I put it on my page. No need to assume anything else.

My Interests

Here are some of my pictures from Belgium...

I'd like to meet:

Kate Spade. Janet. Tina Landon. Sir Elton. Ralph Lifshitz. Miuccia Prada. Bernard Arnault. Alexander McQueen. John Galliano.
Your Castle? | Letter on the Stair | Welcome | Everything | Lobby | Couldn't Resist? | Head Bangers | Ha Ha's


I am a music fanatic. I love Maroon5, Gavin DeGraw, My Mommy ( I love it when she sings, although she really doesn't sing to me anymore), Green Day (been listening to them since middle school),.. width="425" height="364" ....
Green Day - Holiday
Uploaded by photodelire Lionel Ritchie (He's a #@$* Pop Star), No Doubt (they go back to middle school too), Janet Jackson (my absolute favorite along with miss Turner), Michael (they're hot),.. width="425" height="350" ....Marvin Gaye (need I say more), Ella Fitzgerald (one of the very few people on this planet that could imitate any instrument, major talent), Fugees,.. width="425" height="335" ....
The Fugees - Fu-Gee-La
Uploaded by yanndirtybastard Garbage (because I'm filthy),.. width="425" height="350" ....Jill Rock Jones (I've been rockin' that 1 cd for a couple years now), Joi (she's more than just a singer who writes dope lyrics, Joi is also a great producer and performer. I'll never forget Funk Jazz 2001 Thank you Joi.), Rapheal Saadiq (he's bad),.. width="425" height="335" ....
Be Here video
Uploaded by majestic69 Lyssette, Sy Smith (if you don't know who some of these people are check them out), Jason Mraz,.. width="425" height="335" ....
Jason Mraz - Geek in the Pink
Uploaded by Stella78 I am totally in love with John Mayer,.. width="425" height="335" ....
John Mayer - No Such Thing
Uploaded by RedPortiaOne Christine Horn (BRILLIANT, that's all I have to say), Donnie (Johnson I don't think he uses his last name), Jack Johnson (he does, too bad he's married, jack's a HOT surfer dude.),.. width="400" height="309" ....
jack johnson - Sitting, Wishing, Waiting
Uploaded by diol Red Hot Chilli Peppers (I like anything that's hot.).. width="425" height="364" ....
Red Hot Chilli Peppers- Can't Stop
Uploaded by thegirljenny23 Tina Turner (I used to perform her songs in concert in front of my whole family from the time I was 3 until I was like 13, that's my Shero), Dido,.. width="425" height="306" ....
Dido - Hunter
Uploaded by cladstrife Madonna (she's bad), Stevie Wonder (he's a genius) Natasha Bedingfield (her brother's hot too) Jose Stone (I really love this performance. I like Janis Joplin and Mellisa too).. width="425" height="306" ....
J. Stone & Melissa Etheridge - Cry baby
Uploaded by isivideoblog And this one too... width="425" height="335" ....
Joss Stone-You Had Me
Uploaded by Stella78 The Eagles, Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton (He is bad ass on the guitar and CREAM is one of the best albums on earth),.. width="425" height="306" ....
Uploaded by givemethemusic B.B. King, Nikka Costa (YEAH) Prince (nothing really has to be said, here), TLC (oooh on the TLC tip was my first tape, I was 9) Kid Rock (He's HOT. I really like the rebel bad boy thing).. width="425" height="364" ....
Kid Rock - American Badass (Uncensored)
Uploaded by hawkmoon and I will stop right there but the list does go on. Ceelo and Danger Mouse "Gnarls Barkley" new stuff as well as the old is pretty hot They are wonderful artists... width="425" height="306" ....
Janet Jackson - Throb
Uploaded by jahlo


Purple Rain, I always watch it when I'm down, it makes me feel better because my life is not that bad. The Last Sumeri (just a good movie), The original Willie Wonka (I've been singing those oompa loompa songs for 20 years now), Sleepless in Seattle (I don't have to say it), City OF Gods (the subtitles don't even matter), The Hours (I can watch that movie sooo many times)


It's been about three weeks since I turned on my television. But when I do watch it I like Sex in the City "I'm a CarrieSamanthaCharletteMiranda", Friends, punked, driven, the Simpsons, King of the Hill and whatever may be on the Discovery Channel or TLC.Instead of watching tv I would rather do this. img src="http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n89/Shaletia/DSCN004 7.jpg" 3rd of July party @ the 12


The Partner (this book is better than a good movie), The Good Fellas (it's gansta') I, Tina (read it a million times) All Dr. Seuss books (don't act like you don't read one every now and then), Medical books (been reading those since I was in elementry), Thesarrus (so what I am a bit of a nerd. It is always good to exspand your vocabulary)


I will get back to you on that one.

My Blog

Friday October 11th

I want someone to come to preview the Inspiring Impressionism and The Louvre and The Ancient World before they open at the High. I always bring someone to the museum when I go and this time I want to ...
Posted by Tye on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 06:34:00 PST

Dear bartender

Dear sexy bartender who always takes your shirt off and serve drinks even when you are at the bar that is close to the door that leads outside and it is 18 degrees outside,Don't put your shirt on.I wi...
Posted by Tye on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 09:32:00 PST

Sorry Guys!!!!

I now this is cheesy but I just wanted to say one BIG SORRY to my close buddies and those that I need to communicate better with, I know I haven't been retuning calls in a timely manor, hanging o...
Posted by Tye on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 08:16:00 PST

I got really angry. I'm still mad. I don't like being mad it takes too much energy.

For those of you that know me well, which is most of you, you know that I rarely get mad, angry, pissed off, ecetera. It usually takes a lot of hard work and dedication for someone to make me angery. ...
Posted by Tye on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 10:47:00 PST

I Have Been Learning Stuff.

The things that I've learned this year. I know this year is not over but I really don't go by January through December when I speak of a year, I just count 12 months. I don't make New Years resoluti...
Posted by Tye on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 08:05:00 PST

I got bored.

So I got a bit tired of searching for something to wear tonight and decided I would take a mental break and do something random and stupid. I took some quizzes, not because I genuinely care about the ...
Posted by Tye on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 01:19:00 PST

My Little Weekend

Well some of you know already that I had a very eventful weekend, sorry I told you to read the blog but I honestly can't verbally explain my weekend more than once, it takes way too long. Don't worry ...
Posted by Tye on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 02:46:00 PST

WTF. I must not be hip anymore.

I did n't know what 99% of this stuff means, I didn't even know 98% of them existed. Did you?   Abbreviation Meaning 404 I don't know A3 Anytime, anywhere, anyplace AAP Always a pleas...
Posted by Tye on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 12:35:00 PST

The things my friends forget.

To all of my close friends&   I am not afraid of many things but bugs, snakes and filth are amongst the few things that I fear. Stop asking me to go camping with you, I will keep saying NO. If y...
Posted by Tye on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 06:25:00 PST

:How to be invisable 101

So I am at my favorite place for a quiet, mango smoothie, reading, web surfing and people watching, Boarders. Boarders has been my little chill out since I was like 15 years old. I love sitting by the...
Posted by Tye on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 04:24:00 PST