Music, dancing, celebrating the days and nights. I love to eat, drink and breathe deep. I'm into sharing and endulging the many gifts of the Earth and the cosmos, and learning better how to recognize my own fortune in everyday.
energies that are radiant and excited about the lives they choose to live.
WoMama, Bloco Firmeza, Dun Dun Fare', The Bucky Walters, Universal Language, Stevie Wonder, Bob Marley, Dead Can Dance, Tori Amos, TOOL, Garaj Mahal, The Slip, Living Daylights, Flowmotion, Nucleus, The Dukes of Ted, Humboldt Calypso Band, Bump Foundation, many, many more
The Muppet Movie, Dead Poets Society, American Beauty, Dazed and Confused, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Baraka, many, many more...
Public Television needs our help!
The Cosmos, Dr. Brusca; Rumi; Dr. Seuss; Tori Amos...
My father, my brothers, my sister, my stepmother, my granfather, my Mama, Shakespear, Jim Henson, Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr., the young Dave Matthews, Stevie Wonder, Bob Marley, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Robert M. Peterson, Eugene Novotney, Amy Cadle, Joe and Tracy Bishop, many, many more...