Fenrisúlfr profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

It's kinda funny. All those people that adore you for not taking other peoples' bullshit. Notice their tone change when you stop putting up with theirs.
You knew I was a snake before you picked me up.
"There are two wolves fighting in every man's heart. One is love, the other is hate."
"Which one wins?"
"The one he feeds the most."
Bound by my own will
Biting Sword as it Bites Me
Till Ragnarök come.

Weird, Random Shit About Me:
Well, I'm not a big fan of needles (who is? *coughheroineaddictscough*), so I'm getting over my aversion by giving blood as much as I can. Up until they started asking questions like how long I've lived in Germany. Then they stamped a big red "REJECT" on my paperwork and sent me home sayin I had Mad Cow.
Despite always puking exactly two days after waking up from anesthesia, I find getting surgery... fun. I've never had cosmetic surgery, just the kind that gives you scars rather than take them away. I can't wait till my appendix bursts!
I am a firm believer in ignorance being bliss. I guess the biggest reason why I hate people I perceive to be stup-.... mentally stunted.... is because I'm jealous of that bliss. Someday, soon, they'll discover I have a horrendus and malignant brain tumor, have to remove a big chunk of grey matter, and then I'll get to fit in with all the rest of them. And now... we partay!
I either totally designed or helped to design websites for HCI , Innov-Webs , and LCSA . Looking back on them now I kinda wince, like a comic artist looking back at her doodles from Kindergarten.
I am legally blind without contact lenses.
There's a certain shade of green I can't stand not picking out of my food. Once I picked out every little piece of green spice in my ramen and arranged them in a circle on the outer rim of my bowl.
I... love.... stew. With barley. No green things. Just fuckin MEAT, POTATOES, BARLEY and maybe CARROTS.
I love almost all food really. Probably what contributes to my 165 pounds.
I have primary lymphedema in both legs and an irrepairable refluxing artery in my left.
My shoulders painfully dislocate nearly on a daily basis, despite a surgical procedure to correct my right one.
The "funny bone" or ulnar nerve in my right arm has been surgically relocated to another place on my arm. Hell if I'm tellin you where.
I LOVE true life medical shows, such as Trauma: Life in the ER, Untold Stories of the ER, When Surgical Tools Get Left Behind (1 and 2), and just about anything about the human body. Oh, and the one about the parasites. God I love that. Who needs science fiction when we've got little fuckin aliens all over us already??
I have a massage therapy certificate for completing 9 months of intense therapeutic and anatomical training.
I own www.onyxwolf.com .... and I forget why. It's just a spot on a server somewhere that I store raunchy pictures of myself no one ever sees.
I was deemed Honorary StraightEdge by the subculture. Till I whipped out my hookah.
I rarely drink pop... or soda. Juice is my one and only... especially the Juice I grew up with. JUICY JUICE FOR THE WIN!
I quote Adult Swim Cartoons....way...too....often.
To me, the term "chick" is derogatory.
I used to be a complete nymphomaniac in my mid teens. I don't regret it, because not only did I not catch anything, but I learned... a lot.
I really like cartoons. Almost all of them, especially the old ones (I'm talkin OLD... like Merry Melodies and black and white Popeye old). On some days, I prefer the conversation of an animation to that of a real person.
I enjoy gardening... but plants don't usually cooperate with my plans :P.
I love cooking... and look foreward to being one of thoe housewives that do nothing but cook and clean all day. And pay bills.
Once, when I was a very young girl, I killed a snake and brought it to my grandfather. My grandfather (a large part Mohawk Indian) glowered at me at said "Your ancestors would never kill an animal." Confused, knowing it was untrue and not know why he'd say such a thing, I asked "Then... what did we eat?" To this my grandfather would have smiled I think if he ever did, and said "Algonquan."
I am a fucked up mix of German, American Indian, and Slovakian gyspy.
I'm addicted to scratch-offs.
Twice, I have walked the cobble streets of the Siq, centuries after it had been walked by Cleopatra, Alexander the Great, several Caesars, and countless others. I have sat on the steps of the Al Khazneh, the Great Treasury, and listened to an old British woman sing to a group of small children descended from the Nabateans who had built that rose-red city, half as old as time, Petra.
I have ridden elephants, camels, sheep, and horses of all kinds.
I have seen real luxury... not the bullshit our deified moron celebrity trash brag about... but the old ancient ways of gold and pillows and shisha... of people who would wipe your ass if you looked like you were thinking of asking, and of pristine finery you could only imagine. I have lain on the beach and watched lights dance across the world's only seven star hotel, the Burj al Arab, within sight of our villa.
I have gazed at the lights of the city of Israel from across the Dead Sea, puffing lazily on melon shisha while a beautiful woman danced in the old way for no one but myself, her veils flowing in the warm salty rush of air off of the water.
I've kissed a dead man.
Except for blood, bodily fluids sicken me. Especially saliva.
Bruce Willis is a sexy man.
I dabbled in curses for a little while (Blame King Solomon and my great grandmother for the inspirations, which are strangely very unrelated). Experimentally, I put one on Bradjolina's baby. Hahaha, let's just see how that one turns out. Probably won't because I didn't really believe in it... but... if it turns out to be a horrible mutant retard indistinguishable from Paris Hilton.... that's all me. XD
Three of my designs have been used as an actual tattoo so far. HA! Poor Anthony's stuck being reminded of me forever. Har har har....
In all the text based games I play involving RPlay sexual scenes... I've been the guy. For over 6 years, no one can tell otherwise, and still haven't a clue. Though I don't play much anymore, I still have a lot of the logs.
I always... ALWAYS... got casted for the evil queen. If you're looking for the loving protagonist, that's my sister.
My nickname is, according to Tree: Jemoo. According to John: Jenums. As long as neither calls me "Jenny" it's all good with me.
I really don't like women. I've yet to meet one that I feel my equal. Defend them if you like, omnes paucis annis prosedae erunt, anyways. Haha.
This is way too long, so I'm putting it all in scrollable textboxes.

Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

My Interests

Guild Wars, Dinotopia, Wikipedia, King Solomon, witchcraft, turkey bacon, bible studies, racism, the crystal skulls, Corey taylor, the relativity of time, Lilith, Pythagoras, medical studies, hatred, catherine the great, creme brulee, gargoyles, ligers, maned wolf, maleus maleficarum, greater key of solomon, lesser goetia, ranma, petra, amman, mount nebo, the dead sea, pillars of salt, mutation, siemese twins, thermopylae, zodiac.
Video Games God of War, God of War II, Final Fantasy, Guild Wars, The Sims 2, Prince of Persia, Imperian, Shangrila, Okami.
Messenger Jemwulf on AIM. I probably won't answer though, unless you actually say something interesting.
Background "Summer Explosion" by Elenth

I'd like to meet:

Corey Taylor. Vinnie Jones. Bruce Willis. Jason Statham. Kane. Bruce Willis. My clone.
Someone who will stand up to me. Someone willing to fight the good fight. Someone willing to bring back the primeval satisfaction of pain given and received out of anger and frustration! To forget about how you look, or what your fuckin friends think or how you'll feel afterwards. Someone who can live in the moment the way I do.

If it doesn't work out... oh fucking well.


What you hear is how I feel.

My World: There will be no other. Without him I am nothing, he is the source of all my evil powers. If you thought I was fearless before, you should see me when he is by my side.

Role Models:
People, fictional and otherwise, whom I admire. Hover for who, and click them to see a good example of why.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&n bsp&nbsp&nbsp

Recent Events:

Mushroomhead live @ the Intersection, Grand Crapids, MI March 2007

Latest Art:


Good Movies: 300, Indiana Jones, Saw, Dark Crystal, Romper Stomper, Last Unicorn, Fantasia, Ravenous, Thank You For Smoking, See No Evil, Slither, Dirty Love, Idiocracy, Gladiator, Whole Nine/Ten Yards, Unleashed, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Amityville Horror, House on Haunted Hill, Count of Monte Cristo, Ocean's Eleven/Twelve, Open Season, Equilibrium, Monster House, The Cell, Silent Hill

Shitty Movies: Jeepers Creepers, Dark City, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Alone in the Dark, Tomb Raider, Fahrenheit 9/11, Pulp Fiction, The Hitcher, Wolf Creek, Cry_Wolf, Anchorman, Bloodrayne, Underworld, Resident Evil.

My Blog

Still alive

We're still alive, and home! Home as in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.I've been training all week and so far this company seems really great. The benefits are fucking amazing and I'm happy with what I do... I st...
Posted by Fenrisúlfr on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 04:54:00 PST

Words of Wisdom from Dad II

I think he's trying to yell at mom on this one."...Again, a guess? Shall I shoot the messenger or the payrole clerk? Is it more noble to chastise the provider of the bonus OR the receptient that has...
Posted by Fenrisúlfr on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 09:49:00 PST

Check out this event: Birthday Byebye

Hosted By: Jen ZimmermanWhen: Friday Nov 02, 2007 at 6:00 PMWhere: "The Trailer"2967 Medwyn CtBrighton, 48114United StatesDescription:Jen Zimmerman Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Fenrisúlfr on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 05:14:00 PST

RIP- killed by a fucking ex-con...

"To his son and daughter, he was the beloved coach and enthusiastic rooter at baseball games and gymnastic competitions. To his family and friends, he was the charismatic heart of so many gatherings,...
Posted by Fenrisúlfr on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 05:07:00 PST


I did something so silly today, and for some reason it had quite an impact on my mood.So I noticed that my inbox link in my myspace showed that I had (5) unread messages, so I went through to look for...
Posted by Fenrisúlfr on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 08:06:00 PST


Lately I've been kind of angry. Well, I guess all my life I've been pretty angry, and I've got different ways of unleashing that anger: army, martial arts, video games, competitive sports.Work's eatin...
Posted by Fenrisúlfr on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 01:24:00 PST

Check out this event: Reptile Expo

Hosted By: Jen ZimmermanWhen: Saturday Oct 13, 2007 at 10:00 AMWhere: Taylor, MI23400 Wick RdTaylor, MI 48180United StatesDescription:Jen Zimmerman Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Fenrisúlfr on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 06:30:00 PST


Mr. Smith and I have decided to celebrate our one year on the 21st. And I'm still so in love it hurts my chest. Nothing in my life could compare to you, Johnathan, and I will never be afraid of the id...
Posted by Fenrisúlfr on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 08:34:00 PST

Stupid knows stupid.

(11:06:20) Jemwulf: Trriiiiinnnnaaa(11:06:29) trizzee: hey jen(11:06:36) Jemwulf: Wanna hear something funny?(11:06:39) trizzee: yes!(11:06:41) Jemwulf: ok(11:06:49) Jemwulf: so I get off the plane he...
Posted by Fenrisúlfr on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 08:13:00 PST


My babies are finally here! Welcome to the family, kiddos. I've been waiting for them for months! Meet the newest additions...This is Houdini. Named for the way he escaped his box seconds after being ...
Posted by Fenrisúlfr on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 08:34:00 PST