Chris profile picture


About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 ( The Western World Music Video

My Interests

Skating , and making my business successful.

I'd like to meet:

Malcom mcdowell.


black flag llll , pennywise, leftover crack, dri, misfits, white zombie, refused, bad religion , dropkick murphys,secret hate, gnarkill, sneaker pimps, minor threat, no/fx, deadbolt, final conflict, etc.


cLOCKWORK oRANGE, Dracula, frankenstein, Dusk Till Dawn, pulp fiction, jackie brown, All old universal monster movies. House of 1000 corpses , devils rejects. The shining, Trainspotting, All Horror Movies, Mallrats,True Romance, Goodfellas, the Godfathers, Casino, and 80s flicks.


wutever 5 channels of shit has to offer


Thrasher , Transworld, and comics. books of the illuminati .


People should be their own hero.

My Blog

the website has been updated ..... so check it out. new clothing designs will be posted in the next week or so ... and new model galleries and skate pics will be up next week!!
Posted by Chris on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 09:32:00 PST