I suppose this is also 'hobbies.' I enjoy computers, games, music, playing guitar, bass guitar, writing music, playing trumpet, watching TV, and mostly sleep. Thank God for COD4.
George Dubya. Yes, I'm a fan.
Another list that would be finite if I had infinite time. Slick Shoes, MxPx, Relient K, Five Iron Frenzy, Brave Saint Saturn, Roper (see a trend?), Jars of Clay, Shaded Red/Indio, Skillet, old Audio Adrenaline, old Newsboys, old dc Talk, Plankeye, Blisse, Burlap to Cashmere, Caedmon's Call, Smalltown Poets, Thousand Foot Krutch, FM Static, Ace Troubleshooter, LaRue, Switchfoot, Supertones, The Insyderz, The W's, Plumb, Duke Elligton, Count Basie, B.B. King, Louis Armstrong, Dizzie Gillespie, Winton Marseilles, New Found Glory, Greenday, Blue October, Guster, U2, Breaking Benjamin, Edgewater, FFTN, One Minute Halo, Crowd of Stars, and Fishing for Comets.
If it deals with Kevin Smith, I'm there. Evil Dead 1 and 2, Army of Darkness (Bruce Campbell is a demi-god), 10 Things I Hate About You, the Blade series, Lord of the Rings (God bless Tolkien), Ray... the list just continues (and so will I continue adding to this list in the future). I'm a movie fanatic... it doesn't take much for me NOT to like a movie. I just like to be entertained. However, I hated The Grudge, The Ring (how the HELL is that scary... oooooo, a girl came out of a TV... so!?), Primary Colors (nice try, Travolta).
Ok, so I'm a complete TV nerd. I can't get enough of CSI, Stargate Atlantis, Burn Notice, In Plain Sight, Monk, Psych, The Shield, Nip/Tuck, Rescue Me, 24, Family Guy (best show EVER made) and MacGyver. I'm a dork; I know.
Yes, I like To Kill a Mockingbird, and I especially loved The Chronicles of Prydain. I'm quite a fan of The Holy Bible, too.
The Wife got me hooked on the Harry Potter series and any Dean Koontz books. I also am a big fan of Michael Connelly.
<insert cliché here> Yes, Jesus is my hero, as is my father. Other than that, I'm not sure if I idolize anyone or not. :: shrug ::